
Tiziana Ferrari

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12EEDaniele Cesini, Danilo Dongiovanni, Enrico Fattibene, Tiziana Ferrari: WMSMonitor: A monitoring tool for workload and job lifecycle in Grids. GRID 2008: 209-216
11EEDave Colling, L. W. Dickens, Tiziana Ferrari, Y. Hassoun, Constantinos Kotsokalis, Marko Krznaric, Janusz Martyniak, Andrew Stephen McGough, Elisabetta Ronchieri: Adding Instruments and Workflow Support to Existing Grid Architectures. International Conference on Computational Science (3) 2006: 956-963
10EESergio Andreozzi, Tiziana Ferrari, Elisabetta Ronchieri, Salvatore Monforte: Agreement-Based Workload and Resource Management. e-Science 2005: 181-188
9EEChiara Curti, Tiziana Ferrari, Leon Gommans, Bas van Oudenaarde, Elisabetta Ronchieri, Francesco Giacomini, Maria Cristina Vistoli: On advance reservation of heterogeneous network paths. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 21(4): 525-538 (2005)
8EEAugusto Ciuffoletti, Tiziana Ferrari: Experiences in Designing a Modular Resource Monitoring System. WETICE 2004: 260-265
7EETiziana Ferrari, Francesco Giacomini: Network monitoring for GRID performance optimization. Computer Communications 27(14): 1357-1363 (2004)
6EETim Chown, Tiziana Ferrari, Simon Leinen, Roberto Sabatino, Nicolas Simar, Stig Venaas: Less than Best Effort: Application Scenarios and Experimental Results. QoS-IP 2003: 131-144
5EEAugusto Ciuffoletti, Tiziana Ferrari, Antonia Ghiselli, Maria Cristina Vistoli: Architecture of monitoring elements for the network element modeling in a Grid infrastructure CoRR cs.NI/0307024: (2003)
4EETiziana Ferrari, Giovanni Pau, Carla Raffaelli: Priority Queueing Applied to Expedited Forwarding: A Measurement-Based Analysis. QofIS 2000: 167-181
3EETiziana Ferrari: End-to-end performance analysis with traffic aggregation. Computer Networks 34(6): 905-914 (2000)
2 Werner Almesberger, Tiziana Ferrari, Jean-Yves Le Boudec: SRP: a Scalable Resource Reservation Protocol for the Internet. Wide Area Networks and High Performance Computing 1998: 21-35
1EEWerner Almesberger, Tiziana Ferrari, Jean-Yves Le Boudec: SRP: a scalable resource reservation protocol for the Internet. Computer Communications 21(14): 1200-1211 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Werner Almesberger [1] [2]
2Sergio Andreozzi [10]
3Jean-Yves Le Boudec [1] [2]
4Daniele Cesini [12]
5Tim Chown [6]
6Augusto Ciuffoletti [5] [8]
7Dave Colling (D. Colling) [11]
8Chiara Curti [9]
9L. W. Dickens [11]
10Danilo Dongiovanni [12]
11Enrico Fattibene [12]
12Antonia Ghiselli [5]
13Francesco Giacomini [7] [9]
14Leon Gommans [9]
15Y. Hassoun [11]
16Constantinos Kotsokalis [11]
17Marko Krznaric [11]
18Simon Leinen [6]
19Janusz Martyniak [11]
20Andrew Stephen McGough (Stephen McGough) [11]
21Salvatore Monforte [10]
22Bas van Oudenaarde [9]
23Giovanni Pau [4]
24Carla Raffaelli [4]
25Elisabetta Ronchieri [9] [10] [11]
26Roberto Sabatino [6]
27Nicolas Simar [6]
28Stig Venaas [6]
29Maria Cristina Vistoli [5] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)