
Alberto Ferrante

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7EEAlberto Ferrante, Roberto Pompei, Anastasia Stulova, Antonio Vincenzo Taddeo: A Protocol for Pervasive Distributed Computing Reliability. WiMob 2008: 574-579
6EELuigi Dadda, Alberto Ferrante, Marco Macchetti: A Memory Unit for Priority Management in IPSec Accelerators. ICC 2007: 1533-1538
5 Alberto Ferrante, Antonio Vincenzo Taddeo, Mariagiovanna Sami, Fabrizio Mantovani, Jurijs Fridkins: Self-adaptive Security at Application Level: a Proposal. ReCoSoC 2007: 154-160
4EEAntonio Vincenzo Taddeo, Alberto Ferrante, Vincenzo Piuri: Scheduling Small Packets in IPSec Multi-accelerator Based Systems. JCM 2(2): 53-60 (2007)
3EEAlberto Ferrante, Vincenzo Piuri, Fabien Castanier: A QoS-enabled packet scheduling algorithm for IPSec multi-accelerator based systems. Conf. Computing Frontiers 2005: 221-229
2EEAlberto Ferrante, Giuseppe Piscopo, Stefano Scaldaferri: Application-Driven Optimization of VLIW Architectures: A Hardware-Software Approach. IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium 2005: 128-137
1EEFabien Castanier, Alberto Ferrante, Vincenzo Piuri: A Packet Scheduling Algorithm for IPSec Multi-Accelerator Based Systems. ASAP 2004: 387-397

Coauthor Index

1Fabien Castanier [1] [3]
2Luigi Dadda [6]
3Jurijs Fridkins [5]
4Marco Macchetti [6]
5Fabrizio Mantovani [5]
6Giuseppe Piscopo [2]
7Vincenzo Piuri [1] [3] [4]
8Roberto Pompei [7]
9Mariagiovanna Sami [5]
10Stefano Scaldaferri [2]
11Anastasia Stulova [7]
12Antonio Vincenzo Taddeo [4] [5] [7]

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