
José M. Fernandez

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8EECarlton R. Davis, Stephen Neville, José M. Fernandez, Jean-Marc Robert, John McHugh: Structured Peer-to-Peer Overlay Networks: Ideal Botnets Command and Control Infrastructures?. ESORICS 2008: 461-480
7EEPierre-Marc Bureau, José M. Fernandez: Optimising Networks Against Malware. IPCCC 2007: 518-527
6EEDaniel Boteanu, José M. Fernandez, John McHugh, John Mullins: Queue Management as a DoS Counter-Measure? ISC 2007: 263-280
5EEDaniel Boteanu, Edouard Reich, José M. Fernandez, John McHugh: Implementing and testing dynamic timeout adjustment as a dos counter-measure. QoP 2007: 34-39
4EEYuval Elias, José M. Fernandez, Tal Mor, Yossi Weinstein: Optimal Algorithmic Cooling of Spins. UC 2007: 2-26
3EEJosé M. Fernandez, Pierre-Marc Bureau: Optimising malware. IPCCC 2006
2EEMartin Beaudry, José M. Fernandez, Markus Holzer: A common algebraic description for probabilistic and quantum computations, . Theor. Comput. Sci. 345(2-3): 206-234 (2005)
1EEMartin Beaudry, José M. Fernandez, Markus Holzer: A Common Algebraic Description for Probabilistic and Quantum Computations (Extended Abstract). MFCS 2004: 851-862

Coauthor Index

1Martin Beaudry [1] [2]
2Daniel Boteanu [5] [6]
3Pierre-Marc Bureau [3] [7]
4Carlton R. Davis [8]
5Yuval Elias [4]
6Markus Holzer [1] [2]
7John McHugh [5] [6] [8]
8Tal Mor [4]
9John Mullins [6]
10Stephen Neville [8]
11Edouard Reich [5]
12Jean-Marc Robert [8]
13Yossi Weinstein [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)