
Konstantinos P. Ferentinos

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6EEKonstantinos P. Ferentinos, Theodore A. Tsiligiridis: A memetic algorithm for dynamic design of wireless sensor Networks. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2007: 2774-2781
5EESilvia Nittel, Niki Trigoni, Konstantinos P. Ferentinos, Francois Neville, Arda Nural, Neal Pettigrew: A drift-tolerant model for data management in ocean sensor networks. MobiDE 2007: 49-58
4EEKonstantinos P. Ferentinos, Theodore A. Tsiligiridis: Adaptive design optimization of wireless sensor networks using genetic algorithms. Computer Networks 51(4): 1031-1051 (2007)
3EEKonstantinos P. Ferentinos, Niki Trigoni, Silvia Nittel: Impact of Drifter Deployment on the Quality of Ocean Sensing. GSN 2006: 9-24
2EEKonstantinos P. Ferentinos: Biological engineering applications of feedforward neural networks designed and parameterized by genetic algorithms. Neural Networks 18(7): 934-950 (2005)
1 Konstantinos P. Ferentinos, K. G. Arvanitis, G. D. Pasgianos, N. A. Sigrimis: A comparison of intelligent computational algorithms for path planning. HERCMA 2001: 194-199

Coauthor Index

1K. G. Arvanitis [1]
2Francois Neville [5]
3Silvia Nittel [3] [5]
4Arda Nural [5]
5G. D. Pasgianos [1]
6Neal Pettigrew [5]
7N. A. Sigrimis [1]
8Agathoniki Trigoni (Niki Trigoni) [3] [5]
9Theodore A. Tsiligiridis [4] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)