
Marie Ferbus-Zanda

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9EEMarie Ferbus-Zanda, Serge Grigorieff: Is Randomness "Native" to Computer Science? CoRR abs/0801.0289: (2008)
8EEMarie Ferbus-Zanda, Serge Grigorieff: Church, Cardinal and Ordinal Representations of Integers and Kolmogorov complexity CoRR abs/0801.0349: (2008)
7EEMarie Ferbus-Zanda, Serge Grigorieff: Refinment of the "up to a constant" ordering using contructive co-immunity and alike. Application to the Min/Max hierarchy of Kolmogorov complexities CoRR abs/0801.0350: (2008)
6EEMarie Ferbus-Zanda, Serge Grigorieff: Kolmogorov complexities Kmax, Kmin on computable partially ordered sets CoRR abs/0801.0351: (2008)
5EEMarie Ferbus-Zanda, Serge Grigorieff: Set theoretical Representations of Integers, I CoRR abs/0801.0353: (2008)
4EEMarie Ferbus-Zanda, Serge Grigorieff: Kolmogorov complexity in perspective CoRR abs/0801.0354: (2008)
3EEMarie Ferbus-Zanda, Serge Grigorieff: Kolmogorov complexity and set theoretical representations of integers. Math. Log. Q. 52(4): 375-403 (2006)
2EEMarie Ferbus-Zanda, Serge Grigorieff: Kolmogorov complexities Kmax, Kmin on computable partially ordered sets. Theor. Comput. Sci. 352(1-3): 159-180 (2006)
1 Marie Ferbus-Zanda, Serge Grigorieff: Is Randomness "Native" to Computer Science? Bulletin of the EATCS 74: 78-118 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Serge Grigorieff [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]

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