
Jens Erik Fenstad

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5EEJens Erik Fenstad: Tarski, truth and natural languages. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 126(1-3): 15-26 (2004)
4 Jens Erik Fenstad, Jan Tore Lønning: Computational Semantics: Steps towards "Intelligent" Text Processing. Natural Language and Logic 1989: 70-93
3 Jens Erik Fenstad: Natural Language Systems. Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence 1987: 189-231
2EEErik Colban, Jens Erik Fenstad: Situations And Prepositional Phrases. EACL 1987: 258-261
1 Jens Erik Fenstad: On the Completeness of Some Transfinite Recursive Progressions of Axiomatic Theories. J. Symb. Log. 33(1): 69-76 (1968)

Coauthor Index

1Erik Colban [2]
2Jan Tore Lønning [4]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)