
Alfred Feldman

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8EELouis Hodes, Alfred Feldman: Clustering a large number of compounds. 3. The limits of classification. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 31(2): 347-350 (1991)
7EEGeorge W. A. Milne, Alfred Feldman, J. A. Miller, G. P. Daly, M. J. Hammel: The NCI Drug Information System. 2. DIS pre-registry. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 26(4): 159-168 (1986)
6EEGeorge W. A. Milne, Alfred Feldman, J. A. Miller, G. P. Daly: The NCI Drug Information System. 3. The DIS chemistry module. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 26(4): 168-179 (1986)
5EEAlfred Feldman, Louis Hodes: Substructure Search with Queries of Varying Specificity. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 19(3): 125-129 (1979)
4EELouis Hodes, Alfred Feldman: An Efficient Design for Chemical Structure Searching. II. The File Oraganization. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 18(2): 96-100 (1978)
3EEAlfred Feldman: An Efficient Design for Chemical Structure Searching. III. The Coding of Resonating and Tautomeric Forms. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 17(4): 220-223 (1977)
2EEAlfred Feldman, Louis Hodes: An Efficient Design for Chemical Structure Searching. I. The Screens. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 15(3): 147-152 (1975)
1EEAlfred Feldman: Computer input of forms. AFIPS Spring Joint Computing Conference 1968: 323-331

Coauthor Index

1G. P. Daly [6] [7]
2M. J. Hammel [7]
3Louis Hodes [2] [4] [5] [8]
4J. A. Miller [6] [7]
5George W. A. Milne [6] [7]

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