
Craig Alan Feinstein

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6EECraig Alan Feinstein: 2-State 3-Color Universal Turing Machines Don't Exist CoRR abs/0706.4440: (2007)
5EECraig Alan Feinstein: A New and Elegant Argument that P is not NP CoRR abs/cs/0607093: (2006)
4EECraig Alan Feinstein: The Computational Complexity of the Bounded Halting Problem CoRR abs/cs/0611082: (2006)
3EECraig Alan Feinstein: Complexity Science for Simpletons CoRR abs/cs/0507008: (2005)
2EECraig Alan Feinstein: P is not equal to NP CoRR cs.CC/0305035: (2003)
1EECraig Alan Feinstein: Evidence that P is not equal to NP CoRR cs.CC/0310060: (2003)

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)