
Manuel Fehler

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6EEManuel Fehler, Franziska Klügl, Frank Puppe: Approaches for resolving the dilemma between model structure refinement and parameter calibration in agent-based simulations. AAMAS 2006: 120-122
5EEFranziska Klügl, Rainer Herrler, Manuel Fehler: SeSAm: implementation of agent-based simulation using visual programming. AAMAS 2006: 1439-1440
4 Manuel Fehler, Franziska Klügl, Frank Puppe: Approaches for resolving the dilemma between model structure refinement and parameter calibration in agent-based simulations. EUMAS 2005: 148-159
3EEAna L. C. Bazzan, Manuel Fehler, Franziska Klügl: Implicit Coordination in a Network of Social Drivers: The Role of Information in a Commuting Scenario. LAMAS 2005: 115-128
2EEFranziska Klügl, Manuel Fehler, Rainer Herrler: About the Role of the Environment in Multi-agent Simulations. E4MAS 2004: 127-149
1EEManuel Fehler, Franziska Klügl, Frank Puppe: Techniques for Analysis and Calibration of Multi-agent Simulations. ESAW 2004: 305-321

Coauthor Index

1Ana L. C. Bazzan [3]
2Rainer Herrler [2] [5]
3Franziska Klügl-Frohnmeyer (Franziska Klügl) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
4Frank Puppe [1] [4] [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)