
Gábor Fehér

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5EEGábor Fehér, István Oláh: Enhancing wireless video streaming using lightweight approximate authentication. Multimedia Syst. 14(3): 167-177 (2008)
4EELoránd Szöllösi, Tamás Marosits, Gábor Fehér, András Recski: Fast Digital Signature Algorithm Based on Subgraph Isomorphism. CANS 2007: 34-46
3EEGábor Fehér: Enhancing wireless video streaming using lightweight approximate authentication. Q2SWinet 2006: 9-16
2 Gábor Fehér, Krisztián Németh, István Cselényi: Performance evaluation framework for IP resource reservation signalling. Perform. Eval. 48(1/4): 131-156 (2002)
1EEIstván Cselényi, Gábor Fehér, Krisztián Németh: Benchmarking of Signaling Based Resource Reservation in the Internet. NETWORKING 2000: 643-654

Coauthor Index

1István Cselényi [1] [2]
2Tamás Marosits [4]
3Krisztián Németh [1] [2]
4István Oláh [5]
5András Recski [4]
6Loránd Szöllösi [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)