
Alexander Fay

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9EEKnut Güttel, Peter Weber, Alexander Fay: Automatic generation of PLC code beyond the nominal sequence. ETFA 2008: 1277-1284
8EESebastian Beez, Alexander Fay, Nina F. Thornhill: Automatic generation of bond graph models of process plants. ETFA 2008: 1294-1301
7EEAlexander Fay, Stefan Jerenz, Frank Schumacher: Decentralized routing control for guided transportation systems. ETFA 2008: 1481-1487
6EEStefan Runde, Henrik Dibowski, Alexander Fay, Klaus Kabitzsch: Integrated automated design approach for building automation systems. ETFA 2008: 1488-1495
5EEStefan Runde, Alexander Fay: A data exchange format for the engineering of building automation systems. ETFA 2008: 303-310
4EESven Mandel, Thomas Bar, Alexander Fay: Concept for proactive ramp-up validation of body-in-white lines. ETFA 2008: 693-696
3 Alexander Fay: XML for the Exchange of Automation Project Information. The Industrial Information Technology Handbook 2005: 0-
2EEHeinz W. Schmidt, Ian D. Peake, Jue Xie, Ian Thomas, Bernd J. Krämer, Alexander Fay, Peter Bort: Modelling Predictable Component-Based Distributed Control Architectures. WORDS Fall 2003: 339-346
1 Ivo Fischer, Alexander Fay: Simulation of Autonomous DCVS for Baggage Handling at Airports. ESM 2002: 381-384

Coauthor Index

1Thomas Bar [4]
2Sebastian Beez [8]
3Peter Bort [2]
4Henrik Dibowski [6]
5Ivo Fischer [1]
6Knut Güttel [9]
7Stefan Jerenz [7]
8Klaus Kabitzsch [6]
9Bernd J. Krämer [2]
10Sven Mandel [4]
11Ian D. Peake [2]
12Stefan Runde [5] [6]
13Heinz W. Schmidt [2]
14Frank Schumacher [7]
15Ian Thomas [2]
16Nina F. Thornhill [8]
17Peter Weber [9]
18Jue Xie [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)