
John M. Favaro

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15EEBill Frakes, John M. Favaro: Metrics and Strategy for Reuse Planning and Management. ICSR 2006: 437
14EEJohn M. Favaro: That Elusive Business Value: Some Lessons from the Top. XP 2005: 199
13EEJohn M. Favaro: Efficient Markets, Efficient Projects, and Predicting the Future. XP 2004: 77-84
12EEHakan Erdogmus, John M. Favaro, Wolfgang Strigel: Guest Editors' Introduction: Return on Investment. IEEE Software 21(3): 18-22 (2004)
11EEJohn M. Favaro: Value Based Management and Agile Methods. XP 2003: 16-25
10EEJohn M. Favaro, M. Hakan Erdogmus, Klaus Schmid: International Workshop on Reuse Economics. ICSR 2002: 330
9EEJohn M. Favaro: Managing Requirements for Business Value. IEEE Software 19(2): 15-17 (2002)
8EEKevin J. Sullivan, David Notkin, Alfonso Fuggetta, John M. Favaro: First Workshop on Economics-Driven Software Engineering Research. ICSE 1999: 699-700
7EEGilda Pour, Martin L. Griss, John M. Favaro: Making the Transition to Component-Based Enterprise Software Development: Overcoming the Obstacles 3/4 Patterns for Success. TOOLS (29) 1999: 419
6EEMartin L. Griss, Gilda Pour, John M. Favaro: Making the Transition to Component-Based Enterprise Software Development Overcoming the Obstacles - Patterns for Success. TOOLS (30) 1999: 527-531
5EEMarco Battaglia, Giancarlo Savoia, John M. Favaro: RENAISSANCE: A Method to Migrate from Legacy to Immortal Software Systems. CSMR 1998: 197-200
4 John M. Favaro, Kenneth R. Favaro, Paul F. Favaro: Value Based Software Reuse Investment. Ann. Software Eng. 5: 5-52 (1998)
3EEJohn M. Favaro: When the Pursuit of Quality Destroys Value. IEEE Software 13(3): 93-95 (1996)
2 John M. Favaro: Process Modelling at the European Space Agency. EWSPT 1992: 159-162
1 C. V. Ramamoorthy, Farokh B. Bastani, John M. Favaro, Yu-King R. Mok, C. W. Nam, Keiichi Suzuki: On A Systematic Approach to the Development and Validation of Critical Software for Nuclear Power Plants. ICSE 1979: 231-240

Coauthor Index

1Farokh B. Bastani [1]
2Marco Battaglia [5]
3Hakan Erdogmus (M. Hakan Erdogmus) [10] [12]
4Kenneth R. Favaro [4]
5Paul F. Favaro [4]
6Bill Frakes [15]
7Alfonso Fuggetta [8]
8Martin L. Griss [6] [7]
9Yu-King R. Mok [1]
10C. W. Nam [1]
11David Notkin [8]
12Gilda Pour [6] [7]
13C. V. Ramamoorthy [1]
14Giancarlo Savoia [5]
15Klaus Schmid [10]
16Wolfgang Strigel [12]
17Kevin J. Sullivan [8]
18Keiichi Suzuki [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)