
Oliver Faust

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8EEOliver Faust, Bernhard H. C. Sputh, Alastair R. Allen: Transfer Request Broker: Resolving Input-Output Choice. CPA 2008: 163-177
7EEBernhard H. C. Sputh, Oliver Faust, Alastair R. Allen: RRABP: Point-to-Point Communication over Unreliable Components. CPA 2008: 203-217
6EEOliver Faust, Bernhard H. C. Sputh, Alastair R. Allen: IC2IC: a Lightweight Serial Interconnect Channel for Multiprocessor Networks. CPA 2008: 219-235
5 Bernhard H. C. Sputh, Oliver Faust, Alastair R. Allen: A Versatile Hardware-Software Platform for In-Situ Monitoring Systems. CPA 2007: 299-311
4 Oliver Faust, Bernhard H. C. Sputh, Alastair R. Allen: A Study of Percolation Phenomena in Process Networks. CPA 2006: 109-121
3 Bernhard H. C. Sputh, Oliver Faust, Alastair R. Allen: Portable CSP Based Design for Embedded Multi-Core Systems. CPA 2006: 123-134
2EEU. Rajendra Acharya, Oliver Faust, N. Kannathal, TjiLeng Chua, Swamy Laxminarayan: Non-linear analysis of EEG signals at various sleep stages. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 80(1): 37-45 (2005)
1EEOliver Faust, Bernhard H. C. Sputh, Darran Nathan, Sana Rezgui, Andreas Weisensee, Alastair Allen: A Single-Chip Supervised Partial Self-Reconfigurable Architecture for Software Defined Radio. IPDPS 2003: 191

Coauthor Index

1U. Rajendra Acharya [2]
2Alastair Allen [1]
3Alastair R. Allen [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
4TjiLeng Chua [2]
5N. Kannathal [2]
6Swamy Laxminarayan [2]
7Darran Nathan [1]
8Sana Rezgui [1]
9Bernhard H. C. Sputh [1] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
10Andreas Weisensee [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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