
Claudie Faure

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9 Khurram Khurshid, Claudie Faure, Nicole Vincent: Feature-based Word Spotting in Ancient Printed Documents. PRIS 2008: 193-198
8EEClaudie Faure, Nicole Vincent: Document image analysis for active reading. SADPI 2007: 7-14
7EEIsabelle M. Demeure, Claudie Faure, Eric Lecolinet, Jean-Claude Moissinac, Stuart Pook: Mobile Computing to Facilitate Interaction in Lectures and Meetings. DFMA 2005: 359-366
6EEJean-Yves Ramel, M. Crucianu, Nicole Vincent, Claudie Faure: Detection, Extraction and Representation of Tables. ICDAR 2003: 374-378
5 Claudie Faure: Extracting the Tables of Contents from Images of Documents. RIAO 2000: 988-996
4EEClaudie Faure: Preattentive Reading and Selective Attention for Document Image Analysis. ICDAR 1999: 577-580
3EEDiana Galindo, Claudie Faure: Perceptually-Based Representation of Network Diagrams. ICDAR 1997: 352-356
2EELuc Julia, Claudie Faure: Pattern recognition and beautification for a pen based interface. ICDAR 1995: 58-63
1EELaurence Likforman-Sulem, Anahid Hanimyan, Claudie Faure: A Hough based algorithm for extracting text lines in handwritten documents. ICDAR 1995: 774-777

Coauthor Index

1M. Crucianu [6]
2Isabelle M. Demeure [7]
3Diana Galindo [3]
4Anahid Hanimyan [1]
5Luc E. Julia (Luc Julia) [2]
6Khurram Khurshid [9]
7Eric Lecolinet [7]
8Laurence Likforman-Sulem [1]
9Jean-Claude Moissinac [7]
10Stuart Pook [7]
11Jean-Yves Ramel [6]
12Nicole Vincent [6] [8] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)