
Mike Faulkner

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10EEXun Yi, Mike Faulkner, Eiji Okamoto: Secure Wireless Sensor Networks. ARES 2008: 497-502
9EEHimal A. Suraweera, Jason Gao, Peter J. Smith, Mansoor Shafi, Mike Faulkner: Channel Capacity Limits of Cognitive Radio in Asymmetric Fading Environments CoRR abs/0806.0905: (2008)
8EELeif R. Wilhelmsson, Jim Svensson, Andreas Nevalainen, Mike Faulkner: Some Results on Implementing Low-Complex ICI Cancellation for DVB-H. VTC Spring 2007: 2931-2935
7EEMike Faulkner, Leif R. Wilhelmsson, Jim Svensson: Low-Complex ICI Cancellation for Improving Doppler Performance in OFDM Systems. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5
6EELeon Gor, Mike Faulkner: Power Reduction through Upper Triangular Matrix Tracking in QR Detection MIMO Receivers. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5
5EEKevin Tom, Mike Faulkner, Thomas Lejon: Performance Analysis of Pulse Width Modulated RE Class- E Power Amplifier. VTC Spring 2006: 1807-1811
4EEYing Tan, Scott Leyonhjem, Mike Faulkner: Timing Synchronisation for OFDM-WLANs with Time Averaging Scheme. VTC Spring 2006: 1942-1946
3EEMatthew Williamson, Mike Faulkner: Effect of Spread Spectrum Pilot on an SVD Based Adaptive Duplexer. VTC Spring 2006: 2762-2766
2EEGuillaume Lebrun, Mike Faulkner, Mansoor Shafi, Peter J. Smith: MIMO Ricean channel capacity: an asymptotic analysis. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 5(6): 1343-1350 (2006)
1EEGuillaume Lebrun, Jason Gao, Mike Faulkner: MIMO transmission over a time-varying channel using SVD. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 4(2): 757-764 (2005)

Coauthor Index

1Jason Gao [1] [9]
2Leon Gor [6]
3Guillaume Lebrun [1] [2]
4Thomas Lejon [5]
5Scott Leyonhjem [4]
6Andreas Nevalainen [8]
7Eiji Okamoto [10]
8Mansoor Shafi [2] [9]
9Peter J. Smith [2] [9]
10Himal A. Suraweera [9]
11Jim Svensson [7] [8]
12Ying Tan [4]
13Kevin Tom [5]
14Leif R. Wilhelmsson [7] [8]
15Matthew Williamson [3]
16Xun Yi [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)