
Brian D. Fath

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4EEBrian D. Fath, W. E. Grant: Ecosystems as evolutionary complex systems: Network analysis of fitness models. Environmental Modelling and Software 22(5): 693-700 (2007)
3EEBrian D. Fath, Stuart R. Borrett: A MATLABreg function for Network Environ Analysis. Environmental Modelling and Software 21(3): 375-405 (2006)
2EEBrian D. Fath, M. Bruce Beck: Elucidating public perceptions of environmental behavior: a case study of Lake Lanier. Environmental Modelling and Software 20(4): 485-498 (2005)
1EEBrian D. Fath: Network analysis in perspective: comments on "WAND: an ecological network analysis user-friendly tool". Environmental Modelling and Software 19(4): 341-343 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1M. Bruce Beck [2]
2Stuart R. Borrett [3]
3W. E. Grant [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)