
Mark L. Farman

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4EENicole Donofrio, Ravi Rajagopalon, Douglas E. Brown, Stephen E. Diener, Donald Windham, Shelly Nolin, Anna Floyd, Thomas K. Mitchell, Natalia Galadima, Sara Tucker, Marc J. Orbach, Gayatri Patel, Mark L. Farman, Vishal Pampanwar, Cari Soderlund, Yong-Hwan Lee, Ralph A. Dean: 'PACLIMS': A component LIM system for high-throughput functional genomic analysis. BMC Bioinformatics 6: 94 (2005)
3EEWeixi Li, Cathryn J. Rehmeyer, Chuck Staben, Mark L. Farman: TERMINUS - Telomeric End-Read Mining IN Unassembled Sequences. Bioinformatics 21(8): 1695-1698 (2005)
2EEWeixi Li, Cathryn J. Rehmeyer, Chuck Staben, Mark L. Farman: TruMatch - a BLAST post-processor that identifies bona fide sequence matches to genome assemblies. Bioinformatics 21(9): 2097-2098 (2005)
1EEMark L. Farman, Joshua W. Gilkerson, Jerzy W. Jaromczyk, Chuck Staben: RepeatAssembler: A Package for Annotation of Full-Length Repetitive DNA Sequences in Fungal Genomes. CSB 2004: 464-467

Coauthor Index

1Douglas E. Brown [4]
2Ralph A. Dean [4]
3Stephen E. Diener [4]
4Nicole Donofrio [4]
5Anna Floyd [4]
6Natalia Galadima [4]
7Joshua W. Gilkerson [1]
8Jerzy W. Jaromczyk [1]
9Yong-Hwan Lee [4]
10Weixi Li [2] [3]
11Thomas K. Mitchell [4]
12Shelly Nolin [4]
13Marc J. Orbach [4]
14Vishal Pampanwar [4]
15Gayatri Patel [4]
16Ravi Rajagopalon [4]
17Cathryn J. Rehmeyer [2] [3]
18Cari Soderlund [4]
19Chuck Staben [1] [2] [3]
20Sara Tucker [4]
21Donald Windham [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)