
Jung-Wei Fan

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3EEJung-Wei Fan, Carol Friedman: Semantic reclassification of the UMLS concepts. Bioinformatics 24(17): 1971-1973 (2008)
2EEHua Xu, Jung-Wei Fan, George Hripcsak, Eneida A. Mendonça, Marianthi Markatou, Carol Friedman: Gene symbol disambiguation using knowledge-based profiles. Bioinformatics 23(8): 1015-1022 (2007)
1EEHsueh-hua Chen, Tzu-heng Chiu, Jung-Wei Fan: Educating Knowledge Management Professionals in the Era of Knowledge Economy. JIKM 1(2): 91-98 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Hsueh-hua Chen [1]
2Tzu-heng Chiu [1]
3Carol Friedman [2] [3]
4George Hripcsak [2]
5Marianthi Markatou [2]
6Eneida A. Mendonça [2]
7Hua Xu [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)