
Davide Falessi

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9EEDavide Falessi, Dirk Muthig: Implementing Product Line Engineering in Industry: Feedback from the Field to Research. PROFES 2008: 444
8EEDavide Falessi, Rafael Capilla, Giovanni Cantone: A value-based approach for documenting design decisions rationale: a replicated experiment. SHARK 2008: 63-70
7EEDavide Falessi, Philippe Kruchten, Giovanni Cantone: Issues in Applying Empirical Software Engineering to Software Architecture. ECSA 2007: 257-262
6 Davide Falessi, Giovanni Cantone, Claudio Grande: A Comparison of Structured Analysis and Object Oriented Analysis - An Experimental Study. ICSOFT (SE) 2007: 213-221
5EEDavide Falessi, Giovanni Cantone, Philippe Kruchten: Do Architecture Design Methods Meet Architects' Needs? WICSA 2007: 5
4 Davide Falessi, Giovanni Cantone: Exploring feasibility of software defects orthogonal classification. ICSOFT (1) 2006: 107-117
3EEDavide Falessi, Giovanni Cantone, Martin Becker: Documenting design decision rationale to improve individual and team design decision making: an experimental evaluation. ISESE 2006: 134-143
2EEDavide Falessi, Martin Becker, Giovanni Cantone: Design decision rationale: experiences and steps ahead towards systematic use. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 31(5): (2006)
1EEDavide Falessi, Guido Pennella, Giovanni Cantone: Experiences, Strategies and Challenges in Adapting PVM to VxWorks™ Hard Real-Time Operating System, for Safety-Critical Software. PVM/MPI 2005: 209-216

Coauthor Index

1Martin Becker [2] [3]
2Giovanni Cantone [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
3Rafael Capilla [8]
4Claudio Grande [6]
5Philippe Kruchten [5] [7]
6Dirk Muthig [9]
7Guido Pennella [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)