
Rafael Falcón

Rafael Falcon Martinez

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5EERafael Bello, Amilkar Puris, Rafael Falcón, Yudel Gómez: Feature Selection through Dynamic Mesh Optimization. CIARP 2008: 348-355
4EEMaría del Carmen Chávez, Gladys Casas, Rafael Falcón, Jorge E. Moreira, Ricardo Grau Ábalo: Building Fine Bayesian Networks Aided by PSO-Based Feature Selection. MICAI 2007: 441-451
3EERafael Falcón, Gwanggil Jeon, Rafael Bello, Jechang Jeong: Learning Collaboration Links in a Collaborative Fuzzy Clustering Environment. MICAI 2007: 483-495
2EEGwanggil Jeon, Rafael Falcón, Rafael Bello, Donghyung Kim, Jechang Jeong: Application of Bayesian Network for Fuzzy Rule-Based Video Deinterlacing. PSIVT 2007: 867-878
1EERafael Falcón, Jorge Martín-Morales: Gröbner bases and the number of Latin squares related to autotopisms of order <= 7. J. Symb. Comput. 42(11-12): 1142-1154 (2007)

Coauthor Index

1Ricardo Grau Ábalo [4]
2Rafael Bello [2] [3] [5]
3Gladys Casas [4]
4María del Carmen Chávez [4]
5Yudel Gómez [5]
6Gwanggil Jeon [2] [3]
7Jechang Jeong [2] [3]
8Donghyung Kim [2]
9Jorge Martín-Morales [1]
10Jorge E. Moreira [4]
11Amilkar Puris [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)