
Seyyed Mostafa Fakhrahmad

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6EESeyyed Mostafa Fakhrahmad, Mansoor Zolghadri Jahromi: Constructing accurate fuzzy classifiers: A new adaptive method for rule-weight specification. KES Journal 12(2): 115-120 (2008)
5EESeyyed Mostafa Fakhrahmad, Mansoor Zolghadri Jahromi: Constructing Accurate Fuzzy Classification Systems: A New Approach Using Weighted Fuzzy Rules. CGIV 2007: 408-413
4EEOmid Dehzangi, Mansoor J. Zolghadri, Shahram Taheri, Seyyed Mostafa Fakhrahmad: Efficient Fuzzy Rule Generation: A New Approach Using Data Mining Principles and Rule Weighting. FSKD (2) 2007: 134-139
3EESeyyed Mostafa Fakhrahmad, Mansoor Zolghadri Jahromi, M. H. Sadreddini: Mining Frequent Itemsets in Large Data Warehouses: A Novel Approach Proposed for Sparse Data Sets. IDEAL 2007: 517-526
2EESeyyed Mostafa Fakhrahmad, A. Zare, Mansoor Zolghadri Jahromi: Constructing Accurate Fuzzy Rule-Based Classification Systems Using Apriori Principles and Rule-Weighting. IDEAL 2007: 547-556
1 Seyyed Mostafa Fakhrahmad, M. H. Sadreddini, Mansoor Zolghadri Jahromi: IQPI: An Incremental System for Answering Imprecise Queries Using Approximate Dependencies and Concept Similarities. World Congress on Engineering 2007: 311-316

Coauthor Index

1Omid Dehzangi [4]
2Mansoor Zolghadri Jahromi [1] [2] [3] [5] [6]
3M. H. Sadreddini [1] [3]
4Shahram Taheri [4]
5A. Zare [2]
6Mansoor J. Zolghadri [4]

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