
Michael Fahrmair

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7EEBenedikt Ostermaier, B. Maryam Elahi, Kay Römer, Michael Fahrmair, Wolfgang Kellerer: Dyser: towards a real-time search engine for the web of things. SenSys 2008: 429-430
6 Michael Fahrmair: Exploiting User Context Models in Large Scale Mobile Context Adaptive Systems. LWA 2007: 11
5EEMichael Fahrmair, Wassiou Sitou, Bernd Spanfelner: Privacy Management for Context Transponders. SAINT Workshops 2007: 14
4EEMichael Fahrmair, Bernd Spanfelner, Wassiou Sitou: Unwanted Behavior and its Impact on Adaptive Systems in Ubiquitous Computing. LWA 2006: 36-41
3EEMichael Fahrmair, Wassiou Sitou, Bernd Spanfelner: An Engineering Approach to Adaptation and Calibration. MRC 2005: 134-147
2 Peter Dornbusch, Michael Fahrmair, Eiman Mohyeldin, Markus Dillinger: Communication Profiles and Active Attributes. ICWI 2003: 1061-1064
1EEMichael Fahrmair, Chris Salzmann, Maurice Schoenmakers: CARP@ - A Reflection Based Tool for Observing Jini Services. Reflection and Software Engineering 1999: 209-227

Coauthor Index

1Markus Dillinger [2]
2Peter Dornbusch [2]
3B. Maryam Elahi [7]
4Wolfgang Kellerer [7]
5Eiman Mohyeldin [2]
6Benedikt Ostermaier [7]
7Kay Römer [7]
8Chris Salzmann [1]
9Maurice Schoenmakers [1]
10Wassiou Sitou [3] [4] [5]
11Bernd Spanfelner [3] [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)