
Robin B. Fagard-Jenkin

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3 Robin B. Fagard-Jenkin, Ralph E. Jacobson, N. R. Axford: A Novel Approach to the Derivation of Expressions for Geometrical MTF in Sampled Systems. PICS 1999: 225-230
2 Sophie Triantaphillidou, Ralph E. Jacobson, Robin B. Fagard-Jenkin: An Evaluation of MTF Determination Methods for 35mm Film Scanners. PICS 1999: 231-235
1 Robin B. Fagard-Jenkin, Ralph E. Jacobson, J. R. Jarvis: The Effect of Quantization Upon Modulation Transfer Function Determination. PICS 1998: 201-205

Coauthor Index

1N. R. Axford [3]
2Ralph E. Jacobson [1] [2] [3]
3J. R. Jarvis [1]
4Sophie Triantaphillidou [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)