
Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy

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41EECarlos Vivaracho-Pascual, Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy, Juan M. Pascual: An efficient low cost approach for on-line signature recognition based on length normalization and fractional distances. Pattern Recognition 42(1): 183-193 (2009)
40EEMohamed Chetouani, Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy, Bruno Gas, Jean-Luc Zarader: Investigation on LP-residual representations for speaker identification. Pattern Recognition 42(3): 487-494 (2009)
39EEMarco Grassi, Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy, Francesco Piazza: Face Localization in 2D Frontal Face Images Using Luminosity Profiles Analysis. COST 2102 School (Vietri) 2008: 340-346
38EEMarcos Faúndez-Zanuy: Data Fusion at Different Levels. COST 2102 School (Vietri) 2008: 94-103
37EEJoan Fabregas, Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy: Biometric dispersion matcher. Pattern Recognition 41(11): 3412-3426 (2008)
36 Yannis Stylianou, Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy, Anna Esposito: Progress in Nonlinear Speech Processing, Workshop on Nonlinear Speech Processing, WNSP 2005, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, September 20-23, 2005 Springer 2007
35 Anna Esposito, Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy, Eric Keller, Maria Marinaro: Verbal and Nonverbal Communication Behaviours, COST Action 2102 International Workshop, Vietri sul Mare, Italy, March 29-31, 2007, Revised Selected and Invited Papers Springer 2007
34EEMarcos Faúndez-Zanuy, Joan Fabregas: On the Relevance of Facial Expressions for Biometric Recognition. COST 2102 Workshop (Patras) 2007: 32-43
33EEJoan Fabregas, Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy: Biometric Face Recognition with Different Training and Testing Databases. COST 2102 Workshop (Patras) 2007: 44-55
32EEMarcos Faúndez-Zanuy, Virginia Espinosa-Duro, Juan Antonio Ortega: Low-Complexity Algorithms for Biometric Recognition. COST 2102 Workshop (Vietri) 2007: 275-285
31EEMarcos Faúndez-Zanuy, Joan Fabregas, Miguel A. Ferrer, Carlos M. Travieso, Jesús B. Alonso: Evaluation of Supervised vs. Non Supervised Databases for Hand Geometry Verification. IWANN 2007: 1122-1129
30EEMarco Grassi, Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy: Face Recognition with Facial Mask Application and Neural Networks. IWANN 2007: 709-716
29EEMarcos Faúndez-Zanuy: On the Usefulness of Linear and Nonlinear Prediction Residual Signals for Speaker Recognition. NOLISP 2007: 95-104
28EEMarcos Faúndez-Zanuy, David A. Elizondo, Miguel Angel Ferrer-Ballester, Carlos M. Travieso-González: Authentication of Individuals using Hand Geometry Biometrics: A Neural Network Approach. Neural Processing Letters 26(3): 201-216 (2007)
27EEMarcos Faúndez-Zanuy, Martin Hagmüller, Gernot Kubin: Speaker identification security improvement by means of speech watermarking. Pattern Recognition 40(11): 3027-3034 (2007)
26EEMarcos Faúndez-Zanuy: On-line signature recognition based on VQ-DTW. Pattern Recognition 40(3): 981-992 (2007)
25EEMarcos Faúndez-Zanuy, Josep Roure, Virginia Espinosa-Duro, Juan Antonio Ortega: An efficient face verification method in a transformed domain. Pattern Recognition Letters 28(7): 854-858 (2007)
24 Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy, Léonard Janer-García, Anna Esposito, Antonio Satué-Villar, Josep Roure, Virginia Espinosa-Duro: Nonlinear Analyses and Algorithms for Speech Processing, International Conference on Non-Linear Speech Processing, NOLISP 2005, Barcelona, Spain, April 19-22, 2005, Revised Selected Papers Springer 2006
23EEMarcos Faúndez-Zanuy, Miguel Angel Ferrer-Ballester, Carlos M. Travieso-González, Virginia Espinosa-Duro: Hand Geometry Based Recognition with a MLP Classifier. ICB 2006: 721-727
22EEJordi Solé i Casals, Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy: Application of the mutual information minimization to speaker recognition/identification improvement. Neurocomputing 69(13-15): 1467-1474 (2006)
21EEMarcos Faúndez-Zanuy, Léonard Janer-García, Josep Roure Alcobé, Frédéric Bimbot, Renato de Mori: Editorial. Speech Communication 48(12): 1607 (2006)
20EEMarcos Faúndez-Zanuy, Martin Hagmüller, Gernot Kubin: Speaker verification security improvement by means of speech watermarking. Speech Communication 48(12): 1608-1619 (2006)
19EEFrédéric Bimbot, Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy, Renato de Mori: Editorial. Speech Communication 48(7): 759 (2006)
18EEMarcos Faúndez-Zanuy: Speech coding through adaptive combined nonlinear prediction. Speech Communication 48(7): 838-847 (2006)
17 Gérard Chollet, Anna Esposito, Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy, Maria Marinaro: Nonlinear Speech Modeling and Applications, Advanced Lectures and Revised Selected Papers, 9th International Summer School "Neural Nets E.R. Caianiello" on Nonlinear Speech Processing: Algorithms and Analysis, Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy, September 13-18, 2004 Springer 2005
16EEMohamed Chetouani, Amir Hussain, Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy, Bruno Gas: Non-linear Predictive Models for Speech Processing. ICANN (2) 2005: 779-784
15EEMarcos Faúndez-Zanuy: Predictive Speech Coding Improvements Based on Speaker Recognition Strategies. ICANN (2) 2005: 785-791
14EEMarcos Faúndez-Zanuy, Guillermo Mar Navarro Mérida: Biometric Identification by Means of Hand Geometry and a Neural Net Classifier. IWANN 2005: 1172-1179
13EEMarcos Faúndez-Zanuy: Study of a Committee of Neural Networks for Biometric Hand-Geometry Recognition. IWANN 2005: 1180-1187
12EEMarcos Faúndez-Zanuy, Unto Laine, Gernot Kubin, Stephen McLaughlin, W. Bastiaan Kleijn, Gérard Chollet, Bojan Petek, Amir Hussain: The COST-277 European Action: An Overview. NOLISP 2005: 1-9
11EEMarcos Faúndez-Zanuy, Martin Hagmüller, Gernot Kubin, W. Bastiaan Kleijn: The COST-277 Speech Database. NOLISP 2005: 100-107
10EEMarcos Faúndez-Zanuy, Mohamed Chetouani: Nonlinear Predictive Models: Overview and Possibilities in Speaker Recognition. WNSP 2005: 170-189
9EEJordi Solé i Casals, Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy: Application of the Mutual Information Minimization to Speaker Recognition / Verification Improvement. ICA 2004: 865-872
8EEMarcos Faúndez-Zanuy: Nonlinear Speech Processing: Overview and Possibilities in Speech Coding. Summer School on Neural Networks 2004: 15-42
7EEMohamed Chetouani, Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy, Bruno Gas, Jean-Luc Zarader: Non-linear Speech Feature Extraction for Phoneme Classification and Speaker Recognition. Summer School on Neural Networks 2004: 344-350
6EEMarcos Faúndez-Zanuy: On the Usefulness of Almost-Redundant Information for Pattern Recognition. Summer School on Neural Networks 2004: 357-364
5EEG. D'Alessandro, Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy, Francesco Piazza: The new nADPCMB/spl perp/MLT coding scheme: from non linear fullband toward non linear subband prediction coding of speech signal. ISCAS (2) 2003: 576-579
4EEMarcos Faúndez-Zanuy: Non-linear Speech Coding with MLP, RBF and Elman Based Prediction. IWANN (2) 2003: 671-678
3EEMarcos Faúndez-Zanuy: Nonlinear Vectorial Prediction with Neural Nets. IWANN (2) 2001: 754-761
2 Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy: Adaptive Hybrid Speech Coding with a MLP/LPC Structure. IWANN (2) 1999: 814-823
1 Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy, Enrique Monte, Francesc Vallverdú: A Comparative Study Between Linear and Nonlinear Speech Prediction. IWANN 1997: 1154-1163

Coauthor Index

1Josep Roure Alcobé (Josep Roure) [21] [24] [25]
2Jesús B. Alonso [31]
3Frédéric Bimbot [19] [21]
4Jordi Solé i Casals [9] [22]
5Mohamed Chetouani [7] [10] [16] [40]
6Gérard Chollet [12] [17]
7G. D'Alessandro [5]
8David A. Elizondo [28]
9Virginia Espinosa-Duro [23] [24] [25] [32]
10Anna Esposito [17] [24] [35] [36]
11Joan Fabregas [31] [33] [34] [37]
12Miguel A. Ferrer [31]
13Miguel Angel Ferrer-Ballester [23] [28]
14Bruno Gas [7] [16] [40]
15Marco Grassi [30] [39]
16Martin Hagmüller [11] [20] [27]
17Amir Hussain [12] [16]
18Léonard Janer-García [21] [24]
19Eric Keller [35]
20W. Bastiaan Kleijn [11] [12]
21Gernot Kubin [11] [12] [20] [27]
22Unto Laine [12]
23Maria Marinaro [17] [35]
24Stephen McLaughlin [12]
25Guillermo Mar Navarro Mérida [14]
26Enrique Monte [1]
27Renato de Mori [19] [21]
28Juan Antonio Ortega [25] [32]
29Juan M. Pascual [41]
30Bojan Petek [12]
31Francesco Piazza [5] [39]
32Antonio Satué-Villar [24]
33Yannis Stylianou [36]
34Carlos M. Travieso [31]
35Carlos M. Travieso-González [23] [28]
36Francesc Vallverdú [1]
37Carlos Vivaracho-Pascual [41]
38Jean-Luc Zarader [7] [40]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)