
Viiveke Fåk

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5EEÅsa Hagström, Viiveke Fåk, Mark Vandenwauver: EWS-A Case Study on Access Control in Workflow Systems. WETICE 2000: 213-218
4 Viiveke Fåk, Amund Hunstad: Teaching security basics: The Importance of When and How. SEC 1993: 23-30
3EEViiveke Fåk: Computer verification of human users' identity: A theoretical model and some evaluation criteria. Computers & Security 10(7): 626-636 (1991)
2 Viiveke Fåk: Network Security and Open Systems Interconnection. INDC 1988: 45-55
1 Viiveke Fåk: Activities of IFIP Working Group 11: 4 on Crypto Management. EUROCRYPT 1986: 14

Coauthor Index

1Åsa Hagström [5]
2Amund Hunstad [4]
3Mark Vandenwauver [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)