
Hong Tat Ewe

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14 Noramiza Hashim, Patrice Boursier, Hong Tat Ewe: Spatial Neighboring Histogram for Shape-Based Image Retrieval. VISAPP (2) 2008: 256-259
13EEYoon-Teck Bau, Chin Kuan Ho, Hong Tat Ewe: Ant Colony Optimization Approaches to the Degree-constrained Minimum Spanning Tree Problem. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 24(4): 1081-1094 (2008)
12EEKok-Wah Lee, Hong Tat Ewe: Performance study of Byzantine Agreement Protocol with artificial neural network. Inf. Sci. 177(21): 4785-4798 (2007)
11EEHock Guan Goh, Moh Lim Sim, Hong Tat Ewe: Energy Efficient Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks with Grid Topology. EUC 2006: 834-843
10EEChin Kuan Ho, Yashwant Prasad Singh, Hong Tat Ewe: An Enhanced Ant Colony Optimization Metaheuristic for the Minimum Dominating Set Problem. Applied Artificial Intelligence 20(10): 881-903 (2006)
9EEChin Kuan Ho, Hong Tat Ewe: Performance of an Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) Algorithm on the Dynamic Load-Balanced Clustering Problem in Ad Hoc Networks. CIS (1) 2005: 622-629
8EEYoon-Teck Bau, Chin Kuan Ho, Hong Tat Ewe: An Ant Colony Optimization Approach to the Degree-Constrained Minimum Spanning Tree Problem. CIS (1) 2005: 657-662
7EEChin Kuan Ho, Hong Tat Ewe: A hybrid ant colony optimization approach (hACO) for constructing load-balanced clusters. Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2005: 2010-2017
6EETeck Sung Yap, Hong Tat Ewe: A Mobile Phone Malicious Software Detection Model with Behavior Checker. Human.Society@Internet 2005: 57-65
5EEIsmail Ahmad, Hong Tat Ewe: A Model for Secure Knowledge Sharing. ICITA (2) 2005: 421-425
4EEEric C. K. Poh, Hong Tat Ewe: IPv6 Packet Classification Based on Flow Label, Source and Destination Addresses. ICITA (2) 2005: 659-664
3 Chuan Chin Teo, Hong Tat Ewe: An Efficient One-Dimensional Fractal Analysis for Iris Recognition. WSCG (Short Papers) 2005: 157-160
2EEPeik Shyan Lee, Hong Tat Ewe: Individual Recognition Based on Human Iris Using Fractal Dimension Approach. ICBA 2004: 467-474
1EEMoi Hoon Yap, Michel Bister, Hong Tat Ewe: Gaussian Blurring-Deblurring for Improved Image Compression. DICTA 2003: 165-174

Coauthor Index

1Ismail Ahmad [5]
2Yoon-Teck Bau [8] [13]
3Michel Bister [1]
4Patrice Boursier [14]
5Hock Guan Goh [11]
6Noramiza Hashim [14]
7Chin Kuan Ho [7] [8] [9] [10] [13]
8Kok-Wah Lee [12]
9Peik Shyan Lee [2]
10Eric C. K. Poh [4]
11Moh Lim Sim [11]
12Yashwant Prasad Singh [10]
13Chuan Chin Teo [3]
14Moi Hoon Yap [1]
15Teck Sung Yap [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)