
Craig Everhart

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5EEJohn K. Edwards, Daniel Ellard, Craig Everhart, Robert Fair, Eric Hamilton, Andy Kahn, Arkady Kanevsky, James Lentini, Ashish Prakash, Keith A. Smith, Edward R. Zayas: FlexVol: Flexible, Efficient File Volume Virtualization in WAFL. USENIX Annual Technical Conference 2008: 129-142
4EEO. Ted Anderson, Leo Luan, Craig Everhart, Manuel Pereira, Ronnie Sarkar, Jane Xu: Global namespace for files. IBM Systems Journal 43(4): 702-722 (2004)
3 Michael L. Kazar, Bruce W. Leverett, Owen T. Anderson, Vasilis Apostolides, Beth A. Bottos, Sailesh Chutani, Craig Everhart, W. Anthony Mason, Shu-Tsui Tu, Edward R. Zayas: DEcorum File System Architectural Overview. USENIX Summer 1990: 151-164
2 Nathaniel S. Borenstein, Craig Everhart, Jonathan Rosenberg, Adam Stoller: A Multi-media Message System for Andrew. USENIX Winter 1988: 37-42
1EEJonathan Rosenberg, Craig Everhart, Nathaniel S. Borenstein: An overview of the Andrew message system. Computer Communication Review 17(5): 99-108 (1987)

Coauthor Index

1O. Ted Anderson [4]
2Owen T. Anderson [3]
3Vasilis Apostolides [3]
4Nathaniel S. Borenstein [1] [2]
5Beth A. Bottos [3]
6Sailesh Chutani [3]
7John K. Edwards [5]
8Daniel Ellard [5]
9Robert Fair [5]
10Eric Hamilton [5]
11Andy Kahn [5]
12Arkady Kanevsky [5]
13Michael L. Kazar [3]
14James Lentini [5]
15Bruce W. Leverett [3]
16Leo Luan [4]
17W. Anthony Mason [3]
18Manuel Pereira [4]
19Ashish Prakash [5]
20Jonathan Rosenberg [1] [2]
21Ronnie Sarkar [4]
22Keith A. Smith [5]
23Adam Stoller [2]
24Shu-Tsui Tu [3]
25Jane Xu [4]
26Edward R. Zayas [3] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)