
Anthony B. Evans

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6EEAnthony B. Evans: Representations of disjoint unions of complete graphs. Discrete Mathematics 307(9-10): 1191-1198 (2007)
5EEAnthony B. Evans: Latin Squares without Orthogonal Mates. Des. Codes Cryptography 40(1): 121-130 (2006)
4EEAnthony B. Evans: On orthogonal orthomorphisms of cyclic and non-abelian groups. Discrete Mathematics 243(1-3): 229-233 (2002)
3EEAnthony B. Evans, Garth Isaak, Darren A. Narayan: Representations of graphs modulo n. Discrete Mathematics 223(1-3): 109-123 (2000)
2EEAnthony B. Evans: Generating orthomorphisms of GF(q)+. Discrete Mathematics 63(1): 21-26 (1987)
1EEAnthony B. Evans: Orthomorphisms of Zp. Discrete Mathematics 64(2-3): 147-156 (1987)

Coauthor Index

1Garth Isaak [3]
2Darren A. Narayan [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)