
Irene Eusgeld

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6 Irene Eusgeld, Felix C. Freiling, Ralf Reussner: Dependability Metrics: Advanced Lectures [result from a Dagstuhl seminar, October 30 - November 1, 2005] Springer 2008
5EEIrene Eusgeld, Felix C. Freiling: Introduction to Dependability Metrics. Dependability Metrics 2005: 1-4
4EEIrene Eusgeld, Falk Fraikin, Matthias Rohr, Felix Salfner, Ute Wappler: Software Reliability. Dependability Metrics 2005: 104-125
3EEIrene Eusgeld, Jens Happe, Philipp Limbourg, Matthias Rohr, Felix Salfner: Performability. Dependability Metrics 2005: 245-254
2EEIrene Eusgeld, Bernhard Fechner, Felix Salfner, Max Walter, Philipp Limbourg, Lijun Zhang: Hardware Reliability. Dependability Metrics 2005: 59-103
1EEKlaus Echtle, Irene Eusgeld: A Genetic Algorithm for Fault-Tolerant System Design. LADC 2003: 197-213

Coauthor Index

1Klaus Echtle [1]
2Bernhard Fechner [2]
3Falk Fraikin [4]
4Felix C. Freiling (Felix C. Gärtner) [5] [6]
5Jens Happe [3]
6Philipp Limbourg [2] [3]
7Ralf Reussner (Ralf H. Reussner) [6]
8Matthias Rohr [3] [4]
9Felix Salfner [2] [3] [4]
10Max Walter [2]
11Ute Wappler [4]
12Lijun Zhang [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)