
Laureano F. Escudero

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17EELaureano F. Escudero: Optimization in Water Resources. Encyclopedia of Optimization 2009: 2863-2869
16EEAntonio Alonso-Ayuso, Laureano F. Escudero, Andrés Ramos: Introduction to the special issue on APMOD06. Annals OR 166(1): 1-4 (2009)
15EEAntonio Alonso-Ayuso, Laureano F. Escudero, C. Pizarro: On SIP algorithms for minimizing the mean-risk function in the multi-period single-source problem under uncertainty. Annals OR 166(1): 223-242 (2009)
14EELaureano F. Escudero, Araceli Garín, M. Merino, Gloria Pérez: A two-stage stochastic integer programming approach as a mixture of Branch-and-Fix Coordination and Benders Decomposition schemes. Annals OR 152(1): 395-420 (2007)
13EEAntonio Alonso-Ayuso, Laureano F. Escudero, M. Teresa Ortuño, C. Pizarro: On a stochastic sequencing and scheduling problem. Computers & OR 34(9): 2604-2624 (2007)
12EEMarc Almiñana, Laureano F. Escudero, Juan F. Monge, Joaquín Sánchez-Soriano: On the enrouting protocol problem under uncertainty. European Journal of Operational Research 181(2): 887-902 (2007)
11EELaureano F. Escudero, Javier Salmeron: On a Fix-and-Relax Framework for a Class of Project Scheduling Problems. Annals OR 140(1): 163-188 (2005)
10EEAntonio Alonso-Ayuso, Paolo Detti, Laureano F. Escudero, M. Teresa Ortuño: On Dual Based Lower Bounds for the Sequential Ordering Problem with Precedences and Due Dates. Annals OR 124(1-4): 111-131 (2003)
9EELaureano F. Escudero, S. Muñoz: On identifying dominant cliques. European Journal of Operational Research 149(1): 65-76 (2003)
8EEAntonio Alonso-Ayuso, Laureano F. Escudero, M. Teresa Ortuño: BFC, A branch-and-fix coordination algorithmic framework for solving some types of stochastic pure and mixed 0-1 programs. European Journal of Operational Research 151(3): 503-519 (2003)
7EELaureano F. Escudero, Araceli Garín, Gloria Pérez: An O(n log n) procedure for identifying facets of the knapsack polytope. Oper. Res. Lett. 31(3): 211-218 (2003)
6 Laureano F. Escudero, Silvano Martello, Paolo Toth: A Framework for Tightening 0-1 Programs Based on Extensions of Pure 0-1 KP and SS Problems. IPCO 1995: 110-123
5EEBrenda L. Dietrich, Laureano F. Escudero, F. Chance: Efficient Reformulation for 0-1 Programs - Methods and Computational Results. Discrete Applied Mathematics 42(2): 147-175 (1993)
4 Norbert Ascheuer, Laureano F. Escudero, Martin Grötschel, Mechthild Stoer: On Identifying in Polynomial Time Violated Subtour Elimination and Precedence Forcing Constraints for the Sequential Ordering Problem. IPCO 1990: 19-28
3 Laureano F. Escudero: Production Planning Modelling of FMS. Modelling the Innovation 1990: 231-238
2EEM. Rebollo, Laureano F. Escudero: A mixed integer programming approach to multi-spectral image classification. Pattern Recognition 9(1): 47-57 (1977)
1 Laureano F. Escudero, A. Vazquez Muñiz: The Use of Mixed Integer Programming for the Evaluation of Some Alternate Air Pollution Abatement Policies. Optimization Techniques 1975: 264-272

Coauthor Index

1Marc Almiñana [12]
2Antonio Alonso-Ayuso [8] [10] [13] [15] [16]
3Norbert Ascheuer [4]
4F. Chance [5]
5Paolo Detti [10]
6Brenda L. Dietrich [5]
7Araceli Garín [7] [14]
8Martin Grötschel [4]
9Silvano Martello [6]
10M. Merino [14]
11Juan F. Monge [12]
12A. Vazquez Muñiz [1]
13S. Muñoz [9]
14M. Teresa Ortuño [8] [10] [13]
15Gloria Pérez [7] [14]
16C. Pizarro [13] [15]
17Andrés Ramos [16]
18M. Rebollo [2]
19Javier Salmeron [11]
20Joaquín Sánchez-Soriano [12]
21Mechthild Stoer [4]
22Paolo Toth [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)