
Levent Ertaul

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13 Emre Celebi, Mesut Gozutok, Levent Ertaul: Implementations of Montgomery Multiplication Algorithms in Machine Languages. Security and Management 2008: 491-497
12 Levent Ertaul, Johan H. Yang: Implementation of Domingo Ferrer's a New Privacy Homomorphism (DF a New PH) in Securing Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). Security and Management 2008: 498-504
11 Levent Ertaul, Vaidehi Kedlaya: Computing Aggregation Function Minimum/Maximum using Homomorphic Encryption Schemes in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). ICWN 2007: 186-192
10 Levent Ertaul, Nitu Chavan: RSA and Elliptic Curve- ElGamal Threshold Cryptography (ECCEG-TC) Implementations for Secure Data Forwarding in MANETs. Security and Management 2007: 142-146
9 Efrén Clemente-Cuervo, Francisco Rodríguez-Henríquez, Daniel Ortiz Arroyo, Levent Ertaul: A PDA Implementation of an Off-line e-Cash Protocol. Security and Management 2007: 452-458
8 Guillermo Martínez-Silva, Francisco Rodríguez-Henríquez, Nareli Cruz Cortés, Levent Ertaul: On the Generation of X.509v3 Certificates with Biometric Information. Security and Management 2007: 52-57
7 Levent Ertaul, Basar Kasim: GSM Security II. ICWN 2006: 102-108
6 Levent Ertaul, Vaidehi Kedlaya: Finding Minimum Optimal Path Securely Using Homomorphic Encryption Schemes in Computer Networks. Security and Management 2006: 152-158
5 Levent Ertaul, Jayalalitha Panda: Mobile Agent Security. Security and Management 2006: 172-178
4 Basar Kasim, Levent Ertaul: GSM Security. ICWN 2005: 555-561
3EELevent Ertaul, Weimin Lu: ECC Based Threshold Cryptography for Secure Data Forwarding and Secure Key Exchange in MANET (I). NETWORKING 2005: 102-113
2 Suma Venkatesh, Levent Ertaul: Novel Obfuscation Algorithms for Software Security. Software Engineering Research and Practice 2005: 209-215
1 Levent Ertaul, Suma Venkatesh: JHide - A tool kit for code obfuscation. IASTED Conf. on Software Engineering and Applications 2004: 133-138

Coauthor Index

1Daniel Ortiz Arroyo [9]
2Emre Celebi [13]
3Nitu Chavan [10]
4Efrén Clemente-Cuervo [9]
5Nareli Cruz Cortés [8]
6Mesut Gozutok [13]
7Basar Kasim [4] [7]
8Vaidehi Kedlaya [6] [11]
9Weimin Lu [3]
10Guillermo Martínez-Silva [8]
11Jayalalitha Panda [5]
12Francisco Rodríguez-Henríquez [8] [9]
13Suma Venkatesh [1] [2]
14Johan H. Yang [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)