
Tomaso Erseghe

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10EETomaso Erseghe, Stefano Tomasin: Optimized Demodulation for MAI Resilient UWB W-PAN Receivers. ICC 2008: 4867-4871
9EETomaso Erseghe, Valentina Cellini, G. Dona: On UWB Impulse Radio Receivers Derived by Modeling MAI as a Gaussian Mixture Process. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7(6): 2388-2396 (2008)
8EETomaso Erseghe: A Low-Complexity Impulse Radio Receiver based upon Gaussian Mixtures. ICC 2007: 4311-4316
7EETomaso Erseghe, Valentina Cellini, Gabriele Doná: UWB Impulse Radio Receivers Derived from a Gaussian Mixture Interference Model. ICC 2007: 5757-5762
6EEGianfranco Cariolaro, Tomaso Erseghe, Nicola Laurenti: Exact Spectral Analysis of Single-h and Multi-h CPM Signals through PAM decomposition and Matrix Series Evaluation CoRR abs/cs/0609050: (2006)
5EETomaso Erseghe, Nicola Laurenti: Design and performance evaluation of a full-duplex operating receiver for time-hopping UWB. MONET 11(4): 429-439 (2006)
4EETomaso Erseghe, Nicola Laurenti, Valentina Cellini: A multicarrier architecture based upon the affine Fourier transform. IEEE Transactions on Communications 53(5): 853-862 (2005)
3EETomaso Erseghe: Capacity of UWB Impulse Radio With Single-User Reception in Gaussian Noise and Dense Multipath. IEEE Transactions on Communications 53(8): 1257-1262 (2005)
2EEStefano Andriani, Giancarlo Calvagno, Marco Durigon, Roberto Rinaldo, Mike Knee, Paul Walland, Michael Koppetz, Tomaso Erseghe, Gian Antonio Mian: Comparison of lossy to lossless compression techniques for digital cinema. ICIP 2004: 513-516
1 Gianfranco Cariolaro, Tomaso Erseghe, Lorenzo Vangelista: Exact spectral evaluation of the family of digital pulse interval modulated signals. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 47(7): 2983-2992 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Stefano Andriani [2]
2Giancarlo Calvagno [2]
3Gianfranco Cariolaro [1] [6]
4Valentina Cellini [4] [7] [9]
5G. Dona [9]
6Gabriele Doná [7]
7Marco Durigon [2]
8Mike Knee [2]
9Michael Koppetz [2]
10Nicola Laurenti [4] [5] [6]
11Gian Antonio Mian [2]
12Roberto Rinaldo [2]
13Stefano Tomasin [10]
14Lorenzo Vangelista [1]
15Paul Walland [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)