2009 |
15 | EE | Inanç Seylan,
Riza Cenk Erdur:
A Tableau Decision Procedure for ALC With Monotonic Modal Operators and Constant Domains.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 231: 113-130 (2009) |
2006 |
14 | EE | Ali Murat Tiryaki,
Sibel Öztuna,
Oguz Dikenelli,
Riza Cenk Erdur:
SUNIT: A Unit Testing Framework for Test Driven Development of Multi-Agent Systems.
AOSE 2006: 156-173 |
13 | EE | Riza Cenk Erdur,
Inanç Seylan:
A Framework of Cooperative Agents with Implicit Support for Ontologies.
CIA 2006: 416-430 |
12 | EE | Özgür Gümüs,
Geylani Kardas,
Oguz Dikenelli,
Riza Cenk Erdur,
Ata Önal:
SMOP: A Semantic Web and Service Driven Information Gathering Environment for Mobile Platforms.
OTM Conferences (1) 2006: 927-940 |
2005 |
11 | EE | Oguz Dikenelli,
Riza Cenk Erdur,
Özgür Gümüs:
SEAGENT: a platform for developing semantic web based multi agent systems.
AAMAS 2005: 1271-1272 |
10 | EE | Oguz Dikenelli,
Riza Cenk Erdur,
Geylani Kardas,
Özgür Gümüs,
Inanç Seylan,
Önder Gürcan,
Ali Murat Tiryaki,
Erdem Eser Ekinci:
Developing Multi Agent Systems on Semantic Web Environment Using SEAGENT Platform.
ESAW 2005: 1-13 |
9 | EE | Riza Cenk Erdur,
Geylani Kardas:
Personalized Access to Semantic Web Agents Using Smart Cards.
Euro-Par 2005: 1110-1119 |
8 | EE | Riza Cenk Erdur,
Oguz Dikenelli,
Ata Önal,
Özgür Gümüs,
Geylani Kardas,
Özgün Bayrak,
Yusuf Engin Tetik:
A Pervasive Environment for Location-Aware and Semantic Matching Based Information Gathering.
ISCIS 2005: 352-361 |
2004 |
7 | EE | Riza Cenk Erdur,
Oguz Dikenelli,
Inanç Seylan,
Önder Gürcan:
An Infrastructure for the Semantic Integration of FIPA Compliant Agent Platforms.
AAMAS 2004: 1316-1317 |
6 | EE | Riza Cenk Erdur,
Oguz Dikenelli,
Inanç Seylan,
Önder Gürcan:
Semantically Federating Multi-agent Organizations.
ESAW 2004: 74-89 |
2003 |
5 | EE | Riza Cenk Erdur,
Oguz Dikenelli:
A standards-based agent framework for instantiating adaptive agents.
AAMAS 2003: 984-985 |
4 | EE | Oguz Dikenelli,
Riza Cenk Erdur:
Adaptability Patterns of Multi-agent Organizations.
ESAW 2003: 217-227 |
2002 |
3 | EE | Riza Cenk Erdur,
Oguz Dikenelli:
A FIPA-Compliant Agent Framework with an Extra Layer for Ontology Dependent Reusable Behaviour.
ADVIS 2002: 283-292 |
2 | EE | Oguz Dikenelli,
Riza Cenk Erdur:
SABPO: A Standards Based and Pattern Oriented Multi-agent Development Methodology.
ESAW 2002: 213-226 |
1 | EE | Riza Cenk Erdur,
Oguz Dikenelli:
A Multi-Agent System Infrastructure for Software Component Market-Place: An Ontological Perspective.
SIGMOD Record 31(1): 55-60 (2002) |