
Jeffrey L. Eppinger

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9 Jeffrey L. Eppinger: Transactional Communication: The Paradigm Debate. HPTS 1993: 0-
8 Jeffrey L. Eppinger, Lily B. Mummert, Alfred Z. Spector: Camelot and Avalon: A Distributed Transaction Facility Morgan Kaufmann 1991
7 Alfred Z. Spector, Jeffrey L. Eppinger, Dean S. Daniels, Richard Draves, Joshua J. Bloch, Dan Duchamp, Randy F. Pausch, Dean S. Thompson: High Performance Distributed Transaction Processing in a General Purpose Computing Environment. HPTS 1987: 220-242
6 Michael Young, Avadis Tevanian, Richard F. Rashid, David B. Golub, Jeffrey L. Eppinger, Jonathan Chew, William J. Bolosky, David L. Black, Robert V. Baron: The Duality of Memory and Communication in the Implementation of a Multiprocessor Operating System. SOSP 1987: 63-76
5EEAlfred Z. Spector, Joshua J. Bloch, Dean S. Daniels, Richard Draves, Dan Duchamp, Jeffrey L. Eppinger, Sherri G. Menees, Dean S. Thompson: The Camelot Project. IEEE Database Eng. Bull. 9(3): 23-34 (1986)
4 Alfred Z. Spector, Dean S. Daniels, Dan Duchamp, Jeffrey L. Eppinger, Randy F. Pausch: Distributed Transactions for Reliable Systems. SOSP 1985: 127-146
3 Alfred Z. Spector, Jacob Butcher, Dean S. Daniels, Daniel J. Duchamp, Jeffrey L. Eppinger, Charles E. Fineman, Abdelsalam Heddaya, Peter M. Schwarz: Support for Distributed Transactions in the TABS Prototype. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 11(6): 520-530 (1985)
2 Alfred Z. Spector, Jacob Butcher, Dean S. Daniels, Daniel J. Duchamp, Jeffrey L. Eppinger, Charles E. Fineman, Abdelsalam Heddaya, Peter M. Schwarz: Support for Distributed Transactions in the TABS Prototype. Symposium on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems 1984: 186-206
1 Jeffrey L. Eppinger: An Empirical Study of Insertion an Deletion in Binary Search Trees. Commun. ACM 26(9): 663-669 (1983)

Coauthor Index

1Robert V. Baron [6]
2David L. Black [6]
3Joshua J. Bloch [5] [7]
4William J. Bolosky [6]
5Jacob Butcher [2] [3]
6Jonathan Chew [6]
7Dean S. Daniels [2] [3] [4] [5] [7]
8Richard Draves [5] [7]
9Dan Duchamp (Daniel J. Duchamp) [2] [3] [4] [5] [7]
10Charles E. Fineman [2] [3]
11David B. Golub [6]
12Abdelsalam Heddaya [2] [3]
13Sherri G. Menees [5]
14Lily B. Mummert [8]
15Randy F. Pausch (Randy Pausch) [4] [7]
16Richard F. Rashid [6]
17Peter M. Schwarz [2] [3]
18Alfred Z. Spector [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8]
19Avadis Tevanian [6]
20Dean S. Thompson [5] [7]
21Michael Young [6]

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