
Lisa A. Ennis

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15EELisa A. Ennis: Wired shut: Copyright and the shape of digital culture. JASIST 59(13): 2191-2192 (2008)
14EELisa A. Ennis: Technology made simple: An improvement guide for small and medium libraries. JASIST 59(2): 334-335 (2008)
13EELisa A. Ennis: Information ethics: Privacy, property, and power. JASIST 58(2): 302 (2007)
12EELisa A. Ennis: The access principle: The case for open access to research and scholarship. JASIST 58(9): 1386 (2007)
11EELisa A. Ennis: The digital age and local studies. JASIST 57(3): 443- (2006)
10EELisa A. Ennis: E-government: From vision to implementation. JASIST 57(9): 1280- (2006)
9EELisa A. Ennis: The visible librarian: Asserting your value with marketing and advocacy. JASIST 55(14): 1304 (2004)
8EELisa A. Ennis: Book review: Historical Information Science: An Emerging Unidiscipline. JASIST 54(1): 91-92 (2003)
7EELisa A. Ennis: Dark Fiber: Tracking Critical Internet Culture. JASIST 54(10): 981-982 (2003)
6EELisa A. Ennis: Book reviews. JASIST 54(12): 1165-1166 (2003)
5EELisa A. Ennis: Digital futures: Strategies for the information age. JASIST 54(9): 908-909 (2003)
4 Lisa A. Ennis: Book review: The map library in the new millennium. JASIST 53(3): 250-251 (2002)
3 Lisa A. Ennis: Book review: The digital divide: Facing a crisis or creating a myth? JASIST 53(7): 612-613 (2002)
2 Lisa A. Ennis: Book review: Creating Web-accessible databases: Case studies for libraries, museums, and other nonprofits, by Julie M. Still. JASIST 52(11): 980-981 (2001)
1 Lisa A. Ennis: Book review: Peer-to-peer: Harnessing the benefits of a disruptive technology, edited by Andy Oram. JASIST 52(13): 1191-1192 (2001)

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