
Robert English

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5EECharles M. Schweik, Robert English: Tragedy of the FOSS commons? Investigating the institutional designs of free/libre and open source software projects. First Monday 12(2): (2007)
4EEPeter F. Corbett, Robert English, Atul Goel, Tomislav Grcanac, Steven Kleiman, James Leong, Sunitha Sankar: Row-Diagonal Parity for Double Disk Failure Correction (Awarded Best Paper!). FAST 2004: 1-14
3EEKostadis Roussos, Nawaf Bitar, Robert English: Deterministic Batch Scheduling without Static Partitioning. JSSPP 1999: 220-235
2 John Wilkes, Chia Chao, Robert English, David Jacobson, Bart Sears, Carl Staelin, Alexander A. Stepanov: DataMesh Parallel Storage Servers (Abstract). Operating Systems Review 26(2): 11 (1992)
1 Bruce J. Walker, Gerald J. Popek, Robert English, Charles S. Kline, Greg Thiel: The LOCUS Distributed Operating System. SOSP 1983: 49-70

Coauthor Index

1Nawaf Bitar [3]
2Chia Chao [2]
3Peter F. Corbett [4]
4Atul Goel [4]
5Tomislav Grcanac [4]
6David Jacobson [2]
7Steven Kleiman [4]
8Charles S. Kline [1]
9James Leong [4]
10Gerald J. Popek [1]
11Kostadis Roussos [3]
12Sunitha Sankar [4]
13Charles M. Schweik [5]
14Bart Sears [2]
15Carl Staelin [2]
16Alexander A. Stepanov [2]
17Greg Thiel [1]
18Bruce J. Walker [1]
19John Wilkes [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)