
V. Kathlene Emery

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7EEPaula J. Edwards, Leon Barnard, V. Kathlene Emery, Ji Soo Yi, Kevin P. Moloney, Thitima Kongnakorn, Julie A. Jacko, François Sainfort, Pamela R. Oliver, Joseph Pizzimenti, Annette Bade, Greg Fecho, Josephine Shallo-Hoffmann: Strategic design for users with diabetic retinopathy: factors influencing performance in a menu-selection task. ASSETS 2004: 118-125
6EEJulie A. Jacko, Leon Barnard, Thitima Kongnakorn, Kevin P. Moloney, Paula J. Edwards, V. Kathlene Emery, François Sainfort: Isolating the effects of visual impairment: exploring the effect of AMD on the utility of multimodal feedback. CHI 2004: 311-318
5EEJulie A. Jacko, V. Kathlene Emery, Paula J. Edwards, Mahima Ashok, Leon Barnard, Thitima Kongnakorn, Kevin P. Moloney, François Sainfort: The effects of multimodal feedback on older adults' task performance given varying levels of computer experience. Behaviour & IT 23(4): 247-264 (2004)
4EEJulie A. Jacko, Ingrid U. Scott, François Sainfort, Leon Barnard, Paula J. Edwards, V. Kathlene Emery, Thitima Kongnakorn, Kevin P. Moloney, Brynley S. Zorich: Older adults and visual impairment: what do exposure times and accuracy tell us about performance gains associated with multimodal feedback? CHI 2003: 33-40
3EEHolly S. Vitense, Julie A. Jacko, V. Kathlene Emery: Multimodal feedback: establishing a performance baseline for improved access by individuals with visual impairments. ASSETS 2002: 49-56
2EEJulie A. Jacko, Ingrid U. Scott, François Sainfort, Kevin P. Moloney, Thitima Kongnakorn, Brynley S. Zorich, V. Kathlene Emery: Effects of Multimodal Feedback on the Performance of Older Adults with Normal and Impaired Vision. User Interfaces for All 2002: 3-22
1EEHolly S. Vitense, Julie A. Jacko, V. Kathlene Emery: Foundation for improved interaction by individuals with visual impairments through multimodal feedback. Universal Access in the Information Society 2(1): 76-87 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Mahima Ashok [5]
2Annette Bade [7]
3Leon Barnard [4] [5] [6] [7]
4Paula J. Edwards [4] [5] [6] [7]
5Greg Fecho [7]
6Julie A. Jacko [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
7Thitima Kongnakorn [2] [4] [5] [6] [7]
8Kevin P. Moloney [2] [4] [5] [6] [7]
9Pamela R. Oliver [7]
10Joseph Pizzimenti [7]
11François Sainfort [2] [4] [5] [6] [7]
12Ingrid U. Scott [2] [4]
13Josephine Shallo-Hoffmann [7]
14Holly S. Vitense [1] [3]
15Ji Soo Yi [7]
16Brynley S. Zorich [2] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)