
Maryam Emami

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3EEBehzad Moshiri, Parisa Memar Moshrefi, Maryam Emami, Majid Kazemian: Application of OWA Based Classifier Fusion in Diagnosis and Treatment offering for Female Urinary Incontinence. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2006: 433-442
2 Maryam Emami, Rakesh Ghiya, Laurie J. Hendren: Context-Sensitive Interprocedural Points-to Analysis in the Presence of Function Pointers. PLDI 1994: 242-256
1 Laurie J. Hendren, C. Donawa, Maryam Emami, Guang R. Gao, Justiani, B. Sridharan: Designing the McCAT Compiler Based on a Family of Structured Intermediate Representations. LCPC 1992: 406-420

Coauthor Index

1C. Donawa [1]
2Guang R. Gao [1]
3Rakesh Ghiya [2]
4Laurie J. Hendren [1] [2]
5 Justiani [1]
6Majid Kazemian [3]
7Behzad Moshiri [3]
8Parisa Memar Moshrefi [3]
9B. Sridharan [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)