
Tzilla Elrad

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60 Mark Mahoney, Tzilla Elrad: Using Scenario Monitoring to Address State Based Crosscutting Concerns. SEKE 2008: 581-586
59 Zaid Altahat, Tzilla Elrad, Luay Tahat: Applying Critical Pair Analysis in Graph Transformation Systems to Detect Syntactic Aspect Interaction in UML State Diagrams. SEKE 2008: 905-911
58EEThomas Cottenier, Aswin van den Berg, Tzilla Elrad: Joinpoint Inference from Behavioral Specification to Implementation. ECOOP 2007: 476-500
57EEJörg Kienzle, Jeff Gray, Dominik Stein, Walter Cazzola, Omar Aldawud, Tzilla Elrad: 11th International Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Modeling. MoDELS Workshops 2007: 1-6
56EEAndrew Prunicki, Tzilla Elrad: Aclamate: An AOSD Security Framework for Access Control. DASC 2006: 293-300
55EESufyan Almajali, Tzilla Elrad: Dynamic Network Policies Using Aspect Oriented Network Framework. ICN/ICONS/MCL 2006: 47
54EEJörg Kienzle, Dominik Stein, Walter Cazzola, Jeff Gray, Omar Aldawud, Tzilla Elrad: 9th International Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Modeling. MoDELS Workshops 2006: 1-5
53EESteffen Schäfer, Tzilla Elrad, Jens H. Weber-Jahnke: Building software for sensor networks. OOPSLA Companion 2006: 620
52EEMehmet Aksit, Tzilla Elrad: Editorial: Experiences with Auto-adaptive and Reconfigurable Systems (System Level Adaptation). Softw., Pract. Exper. 36(11-12): 1113-1114 (2006)
51EEMehmet Aksit, Tzilla Elrad: Editorial: Experiences with Auto-adaptive and Reconfigurable Systems (Application Level Adaptation). Softw., Pract. Exper. 36(11-12): 1227-1229 (2006)
50EEThomas Cottenier, Aswin van den Berg, Tzilla Elrad: Modeling Aspect-Oriented Compositions. MoDELS Satellite Events 2005: 100-109
49EEThomas Cottenier, Tzilla Elrad: Adaptive compositions across organizational boundaries. OOPSLA Companion 2005: 232-233
48 Paniti Netinant, Tzilla Elrad: A Framework for Extensible and Adaptable System Software. PLC 2005: 207-213
47 Thomas Cottenier, Tzilla Elrad: Dynamic and Decentralized Service Composition: With Contextual Aspect-Sensitive Services. WEBIST 2005: 56-63
46 En-Hsin Huang, Tzilla Elrad: Intelligent Resource Agents for Embedded Systems. ESA/VLSI 2004: 293-302
45EEShangping Ren, Mattox Beckman, Tzilla Elrad: System Imposed and Application Compliant Adaptations. ICDCS Workshops 2004: 310-318
44 Paniti Netinant, Tzilla Elrad: Improving Concurrent Object Interactions Using Aspect Orientation. Software Engineering Research and Practice 2004: 448-454
43 Faisal Akkawi, Atef Bader, Tzilla Elrad: Intelligent Concurrent Systems. Applied Informatics 2003: 66-71
42 En-Hsin Huang, Tzilla Elrad: Intelligent Objects for Adaptive Resource Management. IASSE 2003: 46-49
41 Pantti Netinianti, Tzilla Elrad: Adding Verification Property of Inter-Processes Using Aspect-Oriented Approach. SEKE 2003: 54-60
40EETzilla Elrad, Omar Aldawud, Atef Bader: Aspect-Oriented Modeling: Bridging the Gap between Implementation and Design. GPCE 2002: 189-201
39 Paniti Netinant, Tzilla Elrad: Improving the Modularity of Operating System Design and Implementation Using Aspect-Oriented Framework. ISCA Conference on Intelligent Systems 2002: 167-172
38 En-Hsin Huang, Tzilla Elrad: A Configurable Resource Management Aspects System for Distributed Computing. PDPTA 2002: 1943-1947
37 Constantinos Constantinides, Tzilla Elrad, Mohamed Fayad: Extending the object model to provide explicit support for crosscutting concerns. Softw., Pract. Exper. 32(7): 703-734 (2002)
36 Paniti Netinant, Constantinos Constantinides, Tzilla Elrad: An aspect-oriented approach to supporting the design of system software. Computers and Their Applications 2001: 521-524
35 Faisal Akkawi, Atef Bader, Tzilla Elrad: Aspect-Oriented Technology for Business Applications: A Case Study in Stock Trading. DEXA Workshop 2001: 906-908
34EEConstantinos A. Constantinides, Tzilla Elrad: Composing Concerns with a Framework Approach. ICDCS Workshops 2001: 133-140
33EEEn-Hsin Huang, Tzilla Elrad: Reflective Decision Controls for Autonomous Distributed Objects. ISADS 2001: 212-
32EEEn-Hsin Huang, Tzilla Elrad: Reflective controls for intelligent distributed objects. SAC 2001: 595-599
31 Tzilla Elrad, Robert E. Filman, Atef Bader: Aspect-oriented programming - introduction. Commun. ACM 44(10): 29-32 (2001)
30 Tzilla Elrad, Mehmet Aksit, Gregor Kiczales, Karl J. Lieberherr, Harold Ossher: Discussing aspects of AOP. Commun. ACM 44(10): 33-38 (2001)
29 Paniti Netinant, Tzilla Elrad, Mohamed Fayad: A layered approach to building open aspect-oriented systems. Commun. ACM 44(10): 83-85 (2001)
28 Constantinos Constantinides, Atef Bader, Tzilla Elrad: A Two-Dimensional Composition Framework to Support Software Adaptability and Reuse. ICSR 2000: 388-401
27 Atef Bader, Constantinos Constantinides, Tzilla Elrad, T. Fuller, Paniti Netinant: Building Reusable Concurrent Software Systems. PDPTA 2000
26 Paniti Netinant, Constantinos Constantinides, Tzilla Elrad, Mohamed Fayad, Atef Bader: Supporting the Design of Adaptable Operating Systems Using Aspect-Oriented Frameworks. PDPTA 2000
25EEConstantinos Constantinides, Atef Bader, Tzilla Elrad, Paniti Netinant, Mohamed Fayad: Designing an aspect-oriented framework in an object-oriented environment. ACM Comput. Surv. 32(1es): 41 (2000)
24EECamelia Zlatea, Tzilla Elrad: DUALITY: An Architecture Independent Design Model for Parallel Systems Based on Partial Orders Semantics. DISC 1999: 225-239
23 Constantinos Constantinides, Atef Bader, Tzilla Elrad: An Apsect-Oriented Design Framework for Concurrent Systems. ECOOP Workshops 1999: 186
22 Constantinos Constantinides, Atef Bader, Tzilla Elrad: An Aspect-Oriented Design Framework for Concurrent Systems. ECOOP Workshops 1999: 302
21EEKhaled Salah, Elias Drakopoulos, Tzilla Elrad: Periodic Route Optimization for Handed-Off Connections in Wireless ATM Networks. LCN 1999: 80-87
20 Atef Bader, Tzilla Elrad: Coordinating Distributed Objects. PDPTA 1999: 1840-1846
19 En-Hsin Huang, Tzilla Elrad: Adaptive Scheduling Control Mechanisms For Concurrent Object Systems. PDPTA 1999: 439-445
18EECamelia Zlatea, Tzilla Elrad: A Design Methodology for Mobile Distributed Applications Based on UNITY Formalism and Communication-Closed Layering. PODC 1999: 284
17EEChao-Hsin Lin, Tzilla Elrad: An Enhanced Reflective Architecture for Adaptation of the Object-Oriented Language/Software. APSEC 1998: 20-27
16EEAtef Bader, Tzilla Elrad: The Adaptive Arena: Language Constructs and Architectural Abstractions for Concurrent Object-Oriented Systems. ICPADS 1998: 599-606
15 Tzilla Elrad, Jinlong Lin: Evolving Processes and Evolution Schedulers for Concurrent Scheduling Controls and Parallel Evolutionary Computation. IPPS/SPDP Workshops 1998: 270-278
14EEEn-Hsin Huang, Tzilla Elrad: Scheduling control mechanisms for managing indeterminate object behavior. SAC 1998: 650-654
13 Chao-Hsin Lin, En-Hsin Huang, Tzilla Elrad: A language adaptation architecture for reflective concurrent systems. Systems Implementation 2000 1998: 291-304
12EETzilla Elrad, Jinlong Lin: Evolving processes and evolution schedulers for concurrent scheduling controls and parallel evolutionary computation. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 14(5-6): 365-381 (1998)
11 En-Hsin Huang, Tzilla Elrad: Race Scheduling Controls for Object Systems. OOIS 1997: 272-285
10 Tzilla Elrad, Baoling Sheen, Novak V. Nastasic: CHESSBOARD: A Synergy of Object-Oriented Concurrent Programming and Program Layering. ASIAN 1996: 223-233
9 Tzilla Elrad, Kumar Nambi: Scheduling Cooperative Work: Viewing Distributed Systems as Both CSP and SCL. ICDCS 1993: 532-539
8 Tzilla Elrad, Sungyoung Lee, Ufuk Verun: Extending Working Evnrironments for the Development of Reactive/Adaptive Systems with Intelligent Controls. Ada-Europe 1992: 242-256
7 Tzilla Elrad, V. Winans: The Use of Ada in Reactive Systems: A 3-Dimensional Model. Ada-Europe 1991: 20-36
6 Tzilla Elrad, N. Krishna Kumar: State-Space Abstraction of Concurrent Programs: A Means to Computation-Progressive Scheduling. ICPP (2) 1990: 284-285
5EETzilla Elrad, Daniel E. Nohl: The analysis and comparison of scheduling controls in concurrent languages through classification. SIGCSE 1990: 89-93
4EETzilla Elrad, N. Krishna Kumar, James R. Kenevan: Modeling distributed termination with pre-defined partial termination ordering. SPDP 1990: 373-376
3 Tzilla Elrad, Fred A. Maymir-Ducharme: Distributed Languages Design Constructs for Controlling Preferences. ICPP 1986: 176-183
2 Tzilla Elrad, Nissim Francez: A Weakest Precondition Semantics for Communicating Processes. Theor. Comput. Sci. 29: 231-250 (1984)
1 Tzilla Elrad, Nissim Francez: Decomposition of Distributed Programs into Communication-Closed Layers. Sci. Comput. Program. 2(3): 155-173 (1982)

Coauthor Index

1Faisal Akkawi [35] [43]
2Mehmet Aksit [30] [51] [52]
3Omar Aldawud [40] [54] [57]
4Sufyan Almajali [55]
5Zaid Altahat [59]
6Atef Bader [16] [20] [22] [23] [25] [26] [27] [28] [31] [35] [40] [43]
7Mattox Beckman [45]
8Aswin van den Berg [50] [58]
9Walter Cazzola [54] [57]
10Constantinos Constantinides [22] [23] [25] [26] [27] [28] [36] [37]
11Constantinos A. Constantinides [34]
12Thomas Cottenier [47] [49] [50] [58]
13Elias Drakopoulos [21]
14Mohamed Fayad (Mohamed E. Fayad, M. E. Fayad) [25] [26] [29] [37]
15Robert E. Filman [31]
16Nissim Francez [1] [2]
17T. Fuller [27]
18Jeffrey G. Gray (Jeff Gray) [54] [57]
19En-Hsin Huang [11] [13] [14] [19] [32] [33] [38] [42] [46]
20James R. Kenevan [4]
21Gregor Kiczales [30]
22Jörg Kienzle [54] [57]
23N. Krishna Kumar [4] [6]
24Sungyoung Lee [8]
25Karl J. Lieberherr [30]
26Chao-Hsin Lin [13] [17]
27Jinlong Lin [12] [15]
28Mark Mahoney [60]
29Fred A. Maymir-Ducharme [3]
30Kumar Nambi [9]
31Novak V. Nastasic [10]
32Paniti Netinant [25] [26] [27] [29] [36] [39] [44] [48]
33Pantti Netinianti [41]
34Daniel E. Nohl [5]
35Harold Ossher [30]
36Andrew Prunicki [56]
37Shangping Ren [45]
38Khaled Salah (Khaled Hamed Salah) [21]
39Steffen Schäfer [53]
40Baoling Sheen [10]
41Dominik Stein [54] [57]
42Luay Tahat [59]
43Ufuk Verun [8]
44Jens H. Weber-Jahnke (Jens H. Jahnke) [53]
45V. Winans [7]
46Camelia Zlatea [18] [24]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)