
Robert B. Ellis

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9EEGruia Calines, Robert B. Ellis: Monitoring schedules for randomly deployed sensor networks. DIALM-POMC 2008: 3-12
8EERobert B. Ellis: Density of constant radius normal binary covering codes. Discrete Mathematics 308(19): 4446-4459 (2008)
7EERobert B. Ellis, Vadim Ponomarenko, Catherine H. Yan: How to play the one-lie Rényi-Ulam game. Discrete Mathematics 308(23): 5805-5808 (2008)
6EERobert B. Ellis, Jeremy L. Martin, Catherine H. Yan: Random Geometric Graph Diameter in the Unit Ball. Algorithmica 47(4): 421-438 (2007)
5EERobert B. Ellis, Xingde Jia, Catherine H. Yan: On random points in the unit disk. Random Struct. Algorithms 29(1): 14-25 (2006)
4EERobert B. Ellis, Vadim Ponomarenko, Catherine H. Yan: The Rényi-Ulam pathological liar game with a fixed number of lies. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 112(2): 328-336 (2005)
3EERobert B. Ellis, Jeremy L. Martin, Catherine H. Yan: Random Geometric Graph Diameter in the Unit Disk with lp Metric. Graph Drawing 2004: 167-172
2EEFan R. K. Chung, Robert B. Ellis: A chip-firing game and Dirichlet eigenvalues. Discrete Mathematics 257(2-3): 341-355 (2002)
1EEJoshua N. Cooper, Robert B. Ellis, Andrew B. Kahng: Asymmetric Binary Covering Codes. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 100(2): 232-249 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Gruia Calines [9]
2Fan R. K. Chung (Fan Chung Graham) [2]
3Joshua N. Cooper [1]
4Xingde Jia [5]
5Andrew B. Kahng [1]
6Jeremy L. Martin [3] [6]
7Vadim Ponomarenko [4] [7]
8Catherine H. Yan [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)