
Dan Ellis

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8EEAlexander C. Loui, Jiebo Luo, Shih-Fu Chang, Dan Ellis, Wei Jiang, Lyndon S. Kennedy, Keansub Lee, Akira Yanagawa: Kodak's consumer video benchmark data set: concept definition and annotation. Multimedia Information Retrieval 2007: 245-254
7EEShih-Fu Chang, Dan Ellis, Wei Jiang, Keansub Lee, Akira Yanagawa, Alexander C. Loui, Jiebo Luo: Large-scale multimodal semantic concept detection for consumer video. Multimedia Information Retrieval 2007: 255-264
6EEMichael Mandel, Dan Ellis: Song-Level Features and Support Vector Machines for Music Classification. ISMIR 2005: 594-599
5EEBrian Whitman, Dan Ellis: Automatic Record Reviews. ISMIR 2004
4EEDan Ellis, John Arroyo: Eigenrhythms: Drum pattern basis sets for classification and generation. ISMIR 2004
3EEDan Ellis: Worm anatomy and model. WORM 2003: 42-50
2EEDave Abberley, Steve Renals, Dan Ellis, Anthony J. Robinson: The THISL SDR System At TREC-8. TREC 1999
1 Dan Ellis: Barefoot multimedia, or, All is not what it seems, Moriarty. Interactive Multimedia in University Education 1994: 151-154

Coauthor Index

1Dave Abberley [2]
2John Arroyo [4]
3Shih-Fu Chang [7] [8]
4Wei Jiang [7] [8]
5Lyndon S. Kennedy [8]
6Keansub Lee [7] [8]
7Alexander C. Loui [7] [8]
8Jiebo Luo [7] [8]
9Michael Mandel [6]
10Steve Renals [2]
11Anthony J. Robinson [2]
12Brian Whitman [5]
13Akira Yanagawa [7] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)