
Gunnar Ellingsen

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9EEMonika Alise Johansen, Jeremiah Scholl, Per Hasvold, Gunnar Ellingsen, Johan Gustav Bellika: "Garbage in, garbage out": extracting disease surveillance data from epr systems in primary care. CSCW 2008: 525-534
8EEGlenn Munkvold, Gunnar Ellingsen, Eric Monteiro: From plans to planning: the case of nursing plans. GROUP 2007: 21-30
7EEJeremiah Scholl, Per Hasvold, Eva Henriksen, Gunnar Ellingsen: Managing Communication Availability and Interruptions: A Study of Mobile Communication in an Oncology Department. Pervasive 2007: 234-250
6EEGlenn Munkvold, Gunnar Ellingsen, Hege Koksvik: Formalizing work: reallocating redundancy. CSCW 2006: 59-68
5EEGunnar Ellingsen, Eric Monteiro: Seamless Integration: Standardisation across Multiple Local Settings. Computer Supported Cooperative Work 15(5-6): 443-466 (2006)
4 Gunnar Ellingsen: Tightrope Walking: Standardisation Meets Local Work-Practice in a Hospital. Int. J. IT Standards and Standardization Res. 2(1): 1-22 (2004)
3 Gunnar Ellingsen, Eric Monteiro: A Patchwork Planet Integration and Cooperation in Hospitals. Computer Supported Cooperative Work 12(1): 71-95 (2003)
2EEGunnar Ellingsen: Coordinating Work in Hospitals through a Global Tool. Scandinavian J. Inf. Systems 15: (2003)
1 Gunnar Ellingsen: Knowledge Work in Hospitals. Global and Organizational Discourse about Information Technology 2002: 465-484

Coauthor Index

1Johan Gustav Bellika [9]
2Per Hasvold [7] [9]
3Eva Henriksen [7]
4Monika Alise Johansen [9]
5Hege Koksvik [6]
6Eric Monteiro [3] [5] [8]
7Glenn Munkvold [6] [8]
8Jeremiah Scholl [7] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)