
Hassan M. El-Sallabi

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4EEA. A. Abouda, Hassan M. El-Sallabi, S. G. Haggman: Reducing Impact of Phase Noise on Accuracy of Measured MIMO Channel Capacity. VTC Spring 2007: 450-454
3EEJari Salo, Lasse Vuokko, Hassan M. El-Sallabi, Pertti Vainikainen: Shadow Fading Revisited. VTC Spring 2006: 2843-2847
2EESeungwook Min, Hassan M. El-Sallabi, Henry L. Bertoni: Effect of cell shape on design of CDMA systems for urban microcells. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 5(10): 2805-2813 (2006)
1EEJari Salo, Pasi Suvikunnas, Hassan M. El-Sallabi, Pertti Vainikainen: Some Insights into MIMO Mutual Information: The High SNR Case. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 5(11): 2997-3001 (2006)

Coauthor Index

1A. A. Abouda [4]
2Henry L. Bertoni [2]
3S. G. Haggman [4]
4Seungwook Min [2]
5Jari Salo [1] [3]
6Pasi Suvikunnas [1]
7Pertti Vainikainen [1] [3]
8Lasse Vuokko [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)