
Khaled El-Fakih

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24EEYuki Sakai, Akihito Hiromori, Hirozumi Yamaguchi, Khaled El-Fakih, Teruo Higashino: An integrated tool for development of overlay services. SimuTools 2009: 61
23 Kenji Suzuki, Teruo Higashino, Keiichi Yasumoto, Khaled El-Fakih: Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems - FORTE 2008, 28th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, Tokyo, Japan, June 10-13, 2008, Proceedings Springer 2008
22EEKhaled El-Fakih, Nina Yevtushenko: Progressive Solutions to FSM Equations. CIAA 2008: 274-282
21EEKhaled El-Fakih, Anton Kolomeez, Svetlana Prokopenko, Nina Yevtushenko: Extended Finite State Machine Based Test Derivation Driven by User Defined Faults. ICST 2008: 308-317
20EEGerassimos D. Barlas, Khaled El-Fakih: A GA-based movie-on-demand platform using multiple distributed servers. Multimedia Tools Appl. 40(3): 361-383 (2008)
19EENatalia Shabaldina, Khaled El-Fakih, Nina Yevtushenko: Testing Nondeterministic Finite State Machines with Respect to the Separability Relation. TestCom/FATES 2007: 305-318
18EEHirozumi Yamaguchi, Khaled El-Fakih, Gregor von Bochmann, Teruo Higashino: Deriving protocol specifications from service specifications written as Predicate/Transition-nets. Computer Networks 51(1): 258-284 (2007)
17EENatalia Spitsyna, Khaled El-Fakih, Nina Yevtushenko: Studying the separability relation between finite state machines. Softw. Test., Verif. Reliab. 17(4): 227-241 (2007)
16EEKhaled El-Fakih, Alexandre Petrenko, Nina Yevtushenko: FSM Test Translation Through Context. TestCom 2006: 245-258
15EEKhaled El-Fakih, Nina Yevtushenko, Sergey Buffalov, Gregor von Bochmann: Progressive solutions to a parallel automata equation. Theor. Comput. Sci. 362(1-3): 17-32 (2006)
14EERita Dorofeeva, Khaled El-Fakih, Nina Yevtushenko: An Improved Conformance Testing Method. FORTE 2005: 204-218
13EEHirozumi Yamaguchi, Khaled El-Fakih, Akihito Hiromori, Teruo Higashino: A formal approach to design optimized multimedia service overlay. NOSSDAV 2005: 57-62
12EERita Dorofeeva, Nina Yevtushenko, Khaled El-Fakih, Ana R. Cavalli: Experimental Evaluation of FSM-Based Testing Methods. SEFM 2005: 23-32
11EEKhaled El-Fakih, Nina Yevtushenko: Fault Propagation by Equation Solving. FORTE 2004: 185-198
10EEGerassimos D. Barlas, Khaled El-Fakih: Optimizing Continuous Media Delivery by Multiple Distributed Servers to Multiple Clients using a Genetic Algorithm. MMNS 2004: 282-294
9EEKhaled El-Fakih, Vadim Trenkaev, Natalia Spitsyna, Nina Yevtushenko: FSM Based Interoperability Testing Methods for Multi Stimuli Model. TestCom 2004: 60-75
8EEKhaled El-Fakih, Nina Yevtushenko, Gregor von Bochmann: FSM-Based Incremental Conformance Testing Methods. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 30(7): 425-436 (2004)
7EESergey Buffalov, Khaled El-Fakih, Nina Yevtushenko, Gregor von Bochmann: Progressive Solutions to a Parallel Automata Equation. FORTE 2003: 367-382
6EEKhaled El-Fakih, Svetlana Prokopenko, Nina Yevtushenko, Gregor von Bochmann: Fault Diagnosis in Extended Finite State Machines. TestCom 2003: 197-210
5EEHirozumi Yamaguchi, Khaled El-Fakih, Gregor von Bochmann, Teruo Higashino: Protocol synthesis and re-synthesis with optimal allocation of resources based on extended Petri nets. Distributed Computing 16(1): 21-35 (2003)
4 Khaled El-Fakih, Nina Yevtushenko, Gregor von Bochmann: FSM-based Re-Testing Methods. TestCom 2002: 373-390
3 Khaled El-Fakih, Nina Yevtushenko, Gregor von Bochmann: Diagnosing Multiple Faults in Communicating Finite State Machines. FORTE 2001: 85-100
2EEKhaled El-Fakih, Hirozumi Yamaguchi, Gregor von Bochmann, Teruo Higashino: Automatic Derivation of Petri Net Based Distributed Specification with Optimal Allocation of Resources. ASE 2000: 305-308
1EENashat Mansour, Khaled El-Fakih: Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithms for Optimal Regression Testing. Journal of Software Maintenance 11(1): 19-34 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Gerassimos D. Barlas [10] [20]
2Gregor von Bochmann [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [15] [18]
3Sergey Buffalov [7] [15]
4Ana R. Cavalli [12]
5Rita Dorofeeva [12] [14]
6Teruo Higashino [2] [5] [13] [18] [23] [24]
7Akihito Hiromori [13] [24]
8Anton Kolomeez [21]
9Nashat Mansour [1]
10Alexandre Petrenko [16]
11Svetlana Prokopenko [6] [21]
12Yuki Sakai [24]
13Natalia Shabaldina [19]
14Natalia Spitsyna [9] [17]
15Kenji Suzuki [23]
16Vadim Trenkaev [9]
17Hirozumi Yamaguchi [2] [5] [13] [18] [24]
18Keiichi Yasumoto [23]
19Nina Yevtushenko [3] [4] [6] [7] [8] [9] [11] [12] [14] [15] [16] [17] [19] [21] [22]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)