
Andreas Eisele

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6EEAndreas Eisele, Tim vor der Brück: Error-Tolerant Finite-State Lookup for Trademark Search. KI 2004: 112-126
5EEJochen Dörre, Andreas Eisele: Feature Logic with Disjunctive Unification. COLING 1990: 100-105
4 Andreas Eisele, Jochen Dörre: Disjunctive Unification IWBS Report 124: (1990)
3 Jochen Dörre, Andreas Eisele: Determining Consistency of Feature Terms with Distributed Disjunctions. GWAI 1989: 270-279
2 Andreas Eisele, Jochen Dörre: Unification of Disjunctive Feature Descriptions. ACL 1988: 286-294
1 Andreas Eisele, Jochen Dörre: A Lexical Functional Grammar System in Prolog. COLING 1986: 551-553

Coauthor Index

1Tim vor der Brück [6]
2Jochen Dörre [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)