
Line Eikvil

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7EEKjersti Aas, Line Eikvil, Ragnar Bang Huseby: Applications of hidden Markov chains in image analysis. Pattern Recognition 32(4): 703-713 (1999)
6EEKjersti Aas, Line Eikvil: Decoding bar codes from human-readable characters. Pattern Recognition Letters 18(14): 1519-1527 (1997)
5EEKjersti Aas, Line Eikvil: Text page recognition using Grey-level features and hidden Markov models. Pattern Recognition 29(6): 977-985 (1996)
4 Kjersti Aas, Line Eikvil, Tove Andersen: Text Recogniton from Grey Level Images Using Hidden Markovc Models. CAIP 1995: 503-508
3 Line Eikvil, Kjersti Aas, Marit Holden: Tools for Automatic Recognition of Character Strings in Maps. CAIP 1995: 741-746
2EELine Eikvil, Kjersti Aas, Hans Koren: Tools for interactive map conversion and vectorization. ICDAR 1995: 927-930
1EETorfinn Taxt, Nils Lid Hjort, Line Eikvil: Statistical classification using a linear mixture of two multinormal probability densities. Pattern Recognition Letters 12(12): 731-737 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Kjersti Aas [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
2Tove Andersen [4]
3Nils Lid Hjort [1]
4Marit Holden [3]
5Ragnar Bang Huseby [7]
6Hans Koren [2]
7Torfinn Taxt [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)