
Roman V. Efremov

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2EERoman V. Efremov, Georgy K. Kamenev: Properties of a method for polyhedral approximation of the feasible criterion set in convex multiobjective problems. Annals OR 166(1): 271-279 (2009)
1EEAlexander V. Lotov, Lioubov V. Bourmistrova, Roman V. Efremov, Vladimir A. Bushenkov, Alexander L. Buber, N. A. Brainin: Experience of model integration and Pareto frontier visualization in the search for preferable water quality strategies. Environmental Modelling and Software 20(2): 243-260 (2005)

Coauthor Index

1Lioubov V. Bourmistrova [1]
2N. A. Brainin [1]
3Alexander L. Buber [1]
4Vladimir A. Bushenkov [1]
5Georgy K. Kamenev [2]
6Alexander V. Lotov [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)