
Brice Effantin

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8EEHuang Sun, Brice Effantin, Hamamache Kheddouci: A Self-stabilizing Algorithm for the Minimum Color Sum of a Graph. ICDCN 2008: 209-214
7EEShuang Liu, Brice Effantin, Hamamache Kheddouci: A Fully Dynamic Distributed Algorithm for a B-Coloring of Graphs. ISPA 2008: 657-662
6EELyes Dekar, Brice Effantin, Hamamache Kheddouci: An Incremental Distributed Algorithm for a Partial Grundy Coloring of Graphs. ISPA 2007: 170-181
5EEBrice Effantin, Hamamache Kheddouci: A Distributed Algorithm for a b-Coloring of a Graph. ISPA 2006: 430-438
4EEBrice Effantin, Hamamache Kheddouci: Sum coloring of distance and circulant graphs. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 22: 239-244 (2005)
3EEBrice Effantin: Generation of Unordered Binary Trees. ICCSA (3) 2004: 648-655
2EEBrice Effantin: Generation of Valid Labeled Binary Trees. ICCSA (1) 2003: 245-253
1EEBrice Effantin, Hamamache Kheddouci: The b-chromatic number of power graphs. Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science 6(1): 45-54 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Lyes Dekar [6]
2Hamamache Kheddouci [1] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
3Shuang Liu [7]
4Huang Sun [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)