
Nigel Edwards

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9EESven Graupner, Jerry Rolia, Nigel Edwards: Deriving IT Configurations from Business Processes. CEC/EEE 2008: 317-322
8EESebastian Gaisbauer, Johannes Kirschnick, Nigel Edwards, Jerry Rolia: VATS: Virtualized-Aware Automated Test Service. QEST 2008: 93-102
7EEGuillaume Belrose, K. Brand, Nigel Edwards, Sven Graupner, Jerome A. Rolia, L. Wilcock: Business-driven IT for SAP The Model Information Flow. BDIM 2007: 45-54
6EEMahesh Kallahalla, Mustafa Uysal, Ram Swaminathan, David E. Lowell, Mike Wray, Tom Christian, Nigel Edwards, Chris I. Dalton, Frederic Gittler: SoftUDC: A Software-Based Data Center for Utility Computing. IEEE Computer 37(11): 38-46 (2004)
5 Qun Zhong, Nigel Edwards: Security in the Large: Is Java's Sandbox Scalable? SRDS 1998: 387-392
4 Qun Zhong, Nigel Edwards: Security Control for COTS Components. IEEE Computer 31(6): 67-73 (1998)
3EENigel Edwards, Owen Rees: High Security Web Servers and Gateways. Computer Networks 29(8-13): 927-938 (1997)
2EEJohn O'Connell, Nigel Edwards, Robert Cole: A review of four distribution infrastructures. Distributed Systems Engineering 1(4): 202-211 (1994)
1EENigel Edwards: Fault tolerance support in distributed systems: a position paper. ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 1990

Coauthor Index

1Guillaume Belrose [7]
2K. Brand [7]
3Tom Christian [6]
4Robert Cole [2]
5Chris I. Dalton [6]
6Sebastian Gaisbauer [8]
7Frederic Gittler [6]
8Sven Graupner [7] [9]
9Mahesh Kallahalla [6]
10Johannes Kirschnick [8]
11David E. Lowell [6]
12John O'Connell [2]
13Owen Rees [3]
14Jerome A. Rolia (Jerry Rolia) [7] [8] [9]
15Ram Swaminathan [6]
16Mustafa Uysal [6]
17L. Wilcock [7]
18Mike Wray [6]
19Qun Zhong [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)