
Øyvind Edvardsen

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6 Øyvind Edvardsen, Anne Lise Reiersen, Margot W. Beukers, Kurt Kristiansen: tGRAP, the G-protein coupled receptors mutant database. Nucleic Acids Research 30(1): 361-363 (2002)
5EEAgnieszka Bronowska, Zdzislaw Chilmonczyk, Andrzej Les, Øyvind Edvardsen, Roy Østensen, Ingebrigt Sylte: Molecular dynamics of 5-HT1A and 5-HT2A serotonin receptors with methylated buspirone analogues. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 15(11): 1005-1023 (2001)
4EEAina Westrheim Ravna, Knut E. Schrøder, Øyvind Edvardsen: A World Wide Web-service to Aid the Development of AMBER Parameters using Analogy to Standard Parameters. Computers & Chemistry 23(5): 435-437 (1999)
3 Florence Horn, J. Weare, Margot W. Beukers, S. Hörsch, Amos Bairoch, W. Chen, Øyvind Edvardsen, Fabien Campagne, Gert Vriend: GPCRDB: an information system for G protein-coupled receptors. Nucleic Acids Research 26(1): 275-279 (1998)
2EEØyvind Edvardsen: A World-wide Web Service for Calculating Approximate Amber C-C and C-N Bond Stretching and Torsional Parameters. Computers & Chemistry 20(4): 483-484 (1996)
1EEØyvind Edvardsen: CLIFF: A Command-line File Specification Front-end to Unix Programs. Application to AMBER 4. Computers & Chemistry 18(4): 433-434 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Amos Bairoch [3]
2Margot W. Beukers [3] [6]
3Agnieszka Bronowska [5]
4Fabien Campagne [3]
5W. Chen [3]
6Zdzislaw Chilmonczyk [5]
7Florence Horn [3]
8S. Hörsch [3]
9Kurt Kristiansen [6]
10Andrzej Les [5]
11Roy Østensen [5]
12Aina Westrheim Ravna [4]
13Anne Lise Reiersen [6]
14Knut E. Schrøder [4]
15Ingebrigt Sylte [5]
16Gert Vriend [3]
17J. Weare [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)